Forty Two

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Dinner was a disaster that I couldn't wait to be finished with. Poor Ollie, who had said he was hungry, only ate about half a meal and he wasn't even the one being ignored. I mostly pushed things around although it was actually quite good. Kevin attempted about three times to make conversation with Greg but even he gave up. He turned his attention to Ollie and they chatted while I pretty much stared at my plate. I didn't blame them.

"Thank you for dinner, Kevin" Greg said, pushing his chair back and standing.

My patience had pretty much run out. "Are you leaving Sir?"

"Yes, I need to... I need a walk. I'll see you Saturday."

"Could I come with you?" I don't honestly know why I'd offered. Why was I putting myself through more of this? He wasn't okay though, that I knew and I really didn't think it was about me any more. The day, probably. Me going in his house, certainly. But actually me? No.

He just looked up at the ceiling, probably praying for this day to be over and my mouth to be shut. His eyes closed and he just stood there a minute. "I want to be at my house, in my comfortable shoes, walking MY path."

"I understand. I'll see you Saturday Sir."

"But this is supposed to be a fill-in for your date night." He sighed, quick and heavy. "Very well. You may drive over now if you wish. If you're not there by the time I have changed, I'll assume you're not coming and I will see you at 5 o'clock on Saturday." He grabbed the bag of scrubs he'd left next to the door and was gone.

"Well that was a flashback from, what would you say Ollie, two years ago?" Kevin asked, helping him up. "Want some dessert Pet?"

"Yes please."

"Ice cream coming right up, get comfortable. How about you Chris?" He turned towards me and took pity on me when he saw the look on my face. "I don't know whether you should go or not. I'd say don't, but I think you probably will. Sometimes there's not a right decision or a wrong one, often there are just two options with different negative consequences."

That was reassuring. "If I don't go I'll worry."

"He'll be fine. He may have a meltdown, but that's not your fault and he will be okay. You have to accept them."

"If I do go I have to deal with it and I probably won't help anyway and eventually I have to go anyway."

"Yes" he confirmed, his voice kind.

I ran over and gave Ollie a quick hug and I was out the door. I decided that if I'd wasted too much time and he was gone when I got there, that was a sign that I wasn't meant to walk with him. If he was still there, I'd do my best to help in whatever way I could.

He was sitting on the steps of the garage when I got there, his head in his hands. "I can't pretend any more today, I can't try. I have no filters, no energy to act right."

"That's okay Sir." And it really, truly was. Bare, stripped to the core Greg didn't scare me and certainly didn't make me question my feelings. Honestly I was more than a little happy that he was letting me in.

"Come." He stood and took off, me following behind as well as I could. His legs were longer and he didn't have on hard leather shoes but I managed. He didn't say a word until we'd gone at least half a mile if not a full one. "I'm a good doctor."

I had no doubt and also no response. I kept quiet.

"A very good doctor."

So he did want reassurance? I decided to risk it. "One of the best. I wouldn't trust my vocal chords and these ears to just anyone."

"I would hope not." He stopped, letting me catch my breath. "I messed up. I... I don't understand, it shouldn't have happened. It went well, even for an obliterative case. The stapedectomy should have gone perfectly, it seemed casebook. Mobility of the prosthesis was good, no complications."

I had no idea what any of the terms meant but I knew enough to figure out that a surgery had gone very, very wrong.

"Of course sensorineural hearing loss is a possibility but it has NEVER happened with me before. A 55 decibel hearing loss is unacceptable!" he shouted, taking off down the path again. "And there is nothing, NOTHING I can do to fix it. She... fuck!"

We'd probably gone two miles and I was absolutely exhausted. Whether it was the pace he set or my shoes or just the stress from the night, I didn't know.

"I apologize for ruining your date night. I felt it unfair to cancel after we'd formulated a plan and you had gone out of your way to make sure I could make it. But I used up every ounce of social niceties I had left when I sat with her for an hour, trying to explain. Not that there is an explanation, still she seemed to need the time..."

He just trailed off which he almost never did. I waited long enough to be sure he was finished. "It's okay Sir, I understand. I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For your day, and for her loss."

He just stared at me a moment and I had to hope I wasn't in trouble. "Let's go back."

I just nodded, more than happy to get back to civilization. We both had our phones on for light but it was getting chilly and my feet were very unhappy with me. Seeing my car again gave me just enough energy to make it and I closed the Uber app I had been seriously considering using. I was planning to climb right in when he stopped me and grabbed my hands.

He adjusted my cuffs, making sure they were straight, and ran his thumbs along my palms. "I forgot to hold your hand."

"That's okay Sir." I was mesmerized, watching his thumb trace circles across my flesh.

"I actually believe you" he said and pulled me into a quick hug. He was gone then and didn't say anything else until he was at the door. "Goodnight Pet."

"Goodnight Sir."

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