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"So your turn Doc, how the heck did you catch this little nymph?" James asked. "Been wondering since the first time he almost ran out of here. He's fresh, isn't he?"

"Very" Greg answered dryly. "Luckily he's a quick learner."

I could almost swear that the volume level in the entire room had dimmed. I would bet good money that lots of other people were listening, not just everyone around our table. I couldn't wait to see what Greg would say -- would he admit to what had happened at his office?

"But if you're curious, he came in for a check-up and I was very, very thorough."

"You did NOT!" Kevin exclaimed and it surprised me because I just assumed he had known. Ollie was giggling because I'd told him the whole story. Apparently my secrets were safe with him and that was good to know.

"He practically threw himself at me" Greg answered and I felt one shoulder rise up in a shrug. "What did he expect?"

"I did not!" I countered. "Sir, that's not true." I had probably overstepped but I didn't want everyone in the club thinking I was some sort of animal. "I mean I sort of flirted, I admit."

"I didn't know Doc's subs had voices!" James teased.

"You make no sense James; they have both voices and manners. This boy called me Sir or are you going to deny that too?"

"If I did it was an accident, a sign of respect... I didn't mean to..." but Mike lost it and soon James followed and it went around the table. None of them had to say 'yeah, right' for it to be obvious that's what they all thought. "He didn't give me much of a choice, all I did was nod and he had me pinned to a table!" That only made it worse, Mike was practically laying on the table he was laughing so hard.

"You're a sub at heart and it was obvious what you wanted Pet."

"I was thirsty and you are a tall drink of water, that's all. I had NO idea what I was getting in to."

"But Sir Greg did!" Ollie joked.

"Can't believe someone pulled Doc out of his shell. Did we have a bet going guys?" James asked. "We should have, oh well. I say the next rounds on him either way." A bell chimed over the intercom and Mike and James along with the very quiet Kyle stood up. "Saved by the bell Doc. Two minutes to show time" James announced. "You guys coming?"

"I promised Ollie a dance" Kevin said, smiling. "Enjoy." Greg must have shook his head 'no' because the five of them left quickly. "You two going to dance in the New Year, Greg?"

"You know I don't dance but there's probably a show going on there as well and Chris seemed to enjoy the last one."

"Oh, Allison's boys?" I muttered, then realized I had spoken out loud. "Sorry. That would be fine Sir and yes, I did."

"Or I could just get a room and get you out of those shorts. Or leave you half in... the options are almost endless, are they not?"

"Time for both, the night is young" Kevin said as Ollie slid off his lap. "Come have a dance and then we can share a room if no one objects. Ollie does enjoy an audience."

Greg twisted my hips and looked at me, waiting for me to object or accept. "Um, I don't know? Sir?"

"You don't know if you mind getting fucked in front of Kevin?" he asked. "Seems like something my little exhibitionist would enjoy. You're much like Ollie in that way."

"Um, just you and me and him and Ollie?" I looked towards Kevin for help. "I mean they don't... will everyone um..." I had no idea how to say what I was asking.

"No swapping dear" Ollie said, answering my question once it was obvious to everyone that Greg had NO idea what I was asking. "But the rest isn't up to me so I can't help you out with details." Kevin whispered something in his ear. "Master says R, not triple X if you're nervous." And then they were gone, Kevin leading him down the hallway towards the club room.

"I'm sorry Sir if I spoke up too much or said too much, they're nice and I just... did I do anything wrong?"

"Pet, you don't yet seem to realize that it's your tone and body language more than the words. One can spit out the word 'Sir' and make it meaningless, just as you can be polite enough to not need it. You behaved perfectly fine. Now let's go watch some dancing and whatever happens to be happening on the little stage."

I hopped up and he led me towards the club room, the music steadily growing louder. The halls weren't empty by any stretch but they were far from packed and I realized that most people must be at the main stage or in the club this close to midnight. I heard a shrill catcalling whistle and then someone had me by the arm. "Sir!?" I gasped as I spun backwards, the lead snapping tight against my chest as Greg took another step forward and I went back. Before I had a chance to get my bearings or to get a glimpse of who had grabbed me I was being pushed away, my lead dangling as Greg cornered someone against the wall. Another Dom and his sub stood with me, sheltering me from what was going on.

"If you ever touch my boy again I will make you regret it. For months. Do you understand?" he hissed.

"I didn't see the lead dude, relax. It's dark."

"Are you implying that grabbing unaccompanied boys as they walk down hallways is appropriate?" I edged myself sideways enough to see that he had his forearm against the other man's throat and was towering above him. I wouldn't have been surprised to see a puddle on the floor although the thickly muscled bear wasn't someone I would ever expect to see scared.

"Didn't mean any harm man, back off."

"You must be very new here since you don't know the rules so it shouldn't bother you to not come back again, will it?" He reached his free hand up and easily untied the bear's armband. "Go home." And then he took a step back, watching as the guy took half a second to decide before he fled towards the front door. Greg brushed his hands on his pants and then turned towards me. "Thank you, I've got it" he said to the other Dom and the pair walked down the hall. "Are you okay Pet?"

"Yes Sir. I think so."

"Good." He grabbed my wrist and turned my arm slightly back and forth, moving it towards the light. Seemingly satisfied he picked up my lead and continued towards the dance floor as if nothing had happened.

Oh, boy [5] boyxboy bdsmWhere stories live. Discover now