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I flew, dipping and rising like a bird on the wind. When the barrage ended I felt numb, asleep yet wide awake. Above it all. I tried to find my voice but I'm not sure I did. My throat was dry, my brain not quite in control of my body. It didn't matter.

I hadn't realized how empty I was until I was filled; isn't that always the way? He was gentle with me or maybe it just seemed so in my current state. His hands were everywhere but I couldn't even distinguish them from space; he was a blanket and I was warm.

After awhile I was landing softly, skittering along the ground like a leaf playing in the fall. I kept my eyes closed to slow my descent and tried to focus on anything but my aching cock.

"Such a good boy" he murmured, loosening the bands around it with one quick tug.

I didn't know if it was an improvement at first because the sudden rush was almost painful and the remaining loop around my balls was all there was left to focus on. And then he wrapped his hand around me, slick and warm and every neuron in my brain fired at once. "Please!" I croaked, my voice ragged and rough.

He didn't answer except for the relentless assault of his hips and his thumb swirling around the head of my cock. I tried to buck back but the ropes cut in, holding me steady. His hand disappeared and I moaned in anger but then a quick smack to my ass made me shut my mouth. The loop around my balls disappeared and his hand returned, gripping my cock in a delicious vice. "You may come now Pet."

I heard him moan, his hips stilling before bucking twice more and I came with a scream that I didn't even try to temper. "Fuck.... fuck... Sir" I managed as he pulled out.

"You are more beautiful spent than any boy I've ever seen. Stay."

As if I had a choice. Unless he'd--- no, I was still tied down. He walked around me towards the bathroom and I closed my eyes once he disappeared. I didn't have the strength to keep them open and if he wasn't here, there was nothing worth looking at. I jumped when the warm cloth slid down my ass and waited while he untied me. He practically lifted me and put me into the bed, my legs weren't much help as wobbly as they were.

His hands were on me then, a scent I recognized as the soothing cream he used wafted through the air as his palms slid over my shoulders and down my back. I made myself as accessible as possible and enjoyed the care. I imagined his face, so serious and intent and peeked to see if I was right. I was, but there was something else in the way his lips were parted slightly, his head hanging with relief or exhaustion.

He sat me up afterwards, offering me a bottle of water which I drank from gratefully. Then came an unwrapped chocolate he perched delicately on my tongue. "I need a shower. Will you be comfortable for fifteen minutes?"

Time. He needed to fall gently. "Yes Sir. Take all the time you need. I'm good."

He ran his hands through my hair. "Thank you princess. I'll be back as soon as I can. Rest." He tucked an extra blanket over me and then left, the door to his room cracked open.

Did he always leave it open after scenes? I couldn't remember. Suddenly it seemed important. Had things changed since I said those three little words? Or was it because I'd safe worded last time? I was hot and managed to get the blankets off with a few clumsy kicks. My heart was racing and it took me a minute to realize that I was crashing. My brain was going in a million directions, each more disturbing than the last but there wasn't anything wrong. He would be back soon and it was fine. I was fine. I tried to slow down my breathing.

I ended up curled in a ball, my knees hugged to my chest as I shivered. I didn't hear him come in but felt the blanket and jerked. "Shhh you're alright Pet. Calm down." He covered me and then lay down behind me and pulled me against his chest.

"Sorry Sir. I'm okay." I felt stupid. I knew what was happening but I still couldn't fight it off.

"Yes you are."

"I'm not trying to be so stupid. I don't mean to but it's hard."

"You are being a saint compared to how you used to crash. This was heavy and you're doing fine. You can't control it Chris, only your reactions to it. It's like a mini meltdown and you just need to ride it out. Come, let's find something to distract you."

I thought he was getting up but instead he flipped me onto my back and was on his hands and knees above me. "Oh" I gasped. He just grinned a wicked half-smile at me and lowered down to my neck. It took every ounce of willpower in the world, plus a few heavenly angels to not grip his hair and yank him up towards me. I wanted those lips so badly. "Fuck" I groaned, balling my hands into the sheets to keep them steady.

He went to my right side in the hollow of my neck just above my collarbone, nudging my collar up out of his way. He sat back afterwards, admiring his handiwork. "Perhaps you need a matching one later." He stood up while I tried to get my eyes to roll back down and face forwards. "And Pet? You will wear my Christmas present tonight at the club along with your tall black boots, your harness and lead. Understand?"

I swallowed so loudly and slowly that I almost choked. "Yes Sir."

Oh, boy [5] boyxboy bdsmWhere stories live. Discover now