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I turned back to the window and watched the cat.  I didn't think I needed to be anywhere near whatever conversation was going to take place.

"You're closing it up?" Kevin asked. He sounded like he was forcing his voice steady.

"Yes, we are" Greg answered.  I saw him walk towards the living room and when I turned back, the kitten was gone.  "Come here Chris."  He patted the couch next to him and I went over to sit.

Ollie was shaking his head in disbelief but he looked really happy.  I didn't blame him, I was sort of dumbstruck even though I'd been there for the conversation, such as it was.  "How did you?"  I mean he... Master?"

"Don't look at me baby, I'm as surprised as you are" he answered.  "I'm happy for you Greg, if you're sure."

"We haven't signed anything yet, simply discussed including it.  I don't see what the big deal is."

"That's the part that worries me" Kevin answered.

Greg was mad and I don't think I'd ever seen him angry at Kevin.  "I understand the concept Kevin, I'm not stupid."

"I didn't say you---"

"No, I'm not finished.  I haven't been with anyone else in months and although he has, he is capable of making this decision without a trial period.  But I realize that it's a break from my norm so I have taken the proper precautions to make sure it's the right step for me at this point in time.  Give me a little credit, I didn't go into this lightly.  I know you're my friend and you think you need to babysit me but you don't.  I'm an adult, a rather high-functioning adult I might add and you are not my father.  Stop second-guessing my decisions."

Kevin put his hands up.  "Okay, I see your point. I didn't mean to do that Greg.  I apologize. I care about both of you and this just surprised me but you're right, it's not my call."

Greg glared at him a moment before leaning back.  "Forgiven."

"I need to get myself a tape recorder" Ollie mumbled, then grinned at me.  "I'm really happy for you Leroy."

"Okay, I have to know, what were you going to name Sir?" I asked, tipping my head towards Greg.  Getting the conversation away from us and our possible monogamy seemed like a good idea.

"I was trying to decide between Wyatt and Bob."

I snorted, my hand flying up to cover my mouth.  "Bob!" I managed to choke out.

"It's a great name!  And one syllable like his" he said, as if that helped.

"I happen to already have a name" Greg said and that just made me laugh louder.  "Explain."

"Sir, Ollie thought he might write a book.  He's teasing, I hope but that's why he's calling me Leroy.  I can't imagine you as a 'Bob'" I answered, trying my best to keep a straight face.  "Wait, I'm sorry Ollie.  If you really want to write one I think you'd do an amazing job of it.  I don't mean to step on your plans, really.  It's just hard to think of myself in a book, does that make sense?"

"I'll let you read it before I submit it to publishers" he teased back.  "So, do you want a cat?"

"I absolutely would but I don't even know how to get it home.  I hate to think of it out there shivering and alone though, that's so sad.  I wonder if it's tame."

"Go outside and call 'here, kitty kitty kitty' and see what happens" Ollie suggested.  "Maybe we have a box we could put him in."

Greg's arm had been thrown over the back of the couch but it came to rest on my shoulders.  "I do not think this should be a rash decision, especially since I don't approve.  Can you at least sleep on it after the evening you've had?"

He made sense, he did.  "But it's a poor, defenseless, hungry, homeless kitty!  Can I just see if it's tame?  Maybe he'll come when I call and then I can think about it, okay?  If he's really feral I don't see how I could take him home."

"You need more information to make a good decision?"

"Yes Sir, exactly."

He sighed.  "Very well.  Go talk to the cat."

Ollie hopped up, I assumed to come with me and Kevin just sat there smiling after giving Ollie a nod.  Greg was scowling.  Ollie and I headed out the front door without another word.  "Should I just stay here?  He might be less nervous with just you."

"Okay, I guess that makes sense.  He's probably long gone though."

"I don't know how Master can be so calm about the poor thing being killed. How could he say that to me? I mean I know he won't when I'm suffering but still it was..."

"Oh Ollie, I'm sorry! You're right, he loves you madly and would never... I'm sorry though."

"It's okay, he just didn't think about it. I'm fine." He smiled and waved me away. "Go try to find that silly rat."

I took a few steps off the porch, looking around and getting used to the dark.  Once my eyes had adjusted I tried calling for him and after the second try I saw him peek out from beneath a bush.  I crouched down and extended my hand.  "Here kitty kitty.  Come here sweetie, it's okay." 

A minute later he was rubbing against my hand and two minutes after that I was sitting on the ground and had a cat in my lap.  "He's so sweet, aren't you?  I'm going to come back for you tomorrow, okay?"  I was hesitant to try to pick him up but he let me scoot him off my lap without giving me any fuss.  I stood and walked back to the porch where Ollie was giggling and pointing towards the ground.  The cat had followed me.  "Sweetie, you can't come with me tonight."

He stretched up on his hind legs and put his front paws on my knee. His eyes were huge and he looked so sweet. "Ollie?"

"I'm not sure how to help" he answered.

"I hate that Greg is right. I really can't take him home tonight and not without taking his allergies into consideration."

"I agree."

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