Twenty Five

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I didn't care when he got up and I didn't worry; I knew he would come back. He might need some time later to come down and crash but I thought he would warn me if he would be gone too long. The bed dipped and rocked just a tad a few minutes later and he was gently rubbing lotion or cream into my back. It felt amazing. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. He probably needed the quiet and I certainly needed the care. I tried not to jump when he did my thighs but it almost tickled and I was certainly more alert.

"Turn, Pet." He helped move me and adjusted the pillow under my head. I closed my eyes again but they flew open when he straddled my hips. "Are you okay Chris?"

"I'm, yes Sir." He meant the intensity, I think. He was worried. Then I realized he probably intended to leave and wished I had been more hesitant or answered differently. I wasn't ready for him to go quite yet but it was unavoidable. "Sir?" My voice sounded hoarse and I swallowed, trying to soothe it.

"Yes?" He seemed satisfied with my chest and scooted back, inspecting my cock and balls before putting lotion on the fronts of my thighs.

"Is it okay if I wait for you in the living room? If you need time? I miss you more here, I think."

"I need to get the bed and room ready for later anyway, that's fine. If it will help you relax I will get you settled onto the couch."

"When do we leave? For the club?"

"Not until 9. We will have dinner first. You may wait on the couch until I come out to prepare it."


"Okay?" he asked. He was fishing.

"I'm sorry Sir. Okay Sir, I'll wait there for you." He just nodded and stood, rising off of me almost effortlessly. If I had tried that move I would have looked like a buffoon but his long legs made it look almost natural. He was gorgeous. I looked down at myself and I was definitely not. "My god I'm... wow."

"It will fade a good bit during the next hour but some will remain." He reached over and unhooked my collar. "You may remove your cuffs if you wish. You need some downtime and that's fine. You may rest and relax until we leave for the club."

"Thank you Sir." I made my way gingerly to the edge and sat up. When I stood I got about halfway up before I was suddenly horribly dizzy. I fell back to the bed, my eyes squeezing shut as I tried to stop the spinning.


"I'm just dizzy Sir, sorry." I opened my eyes but it was a mistake, the wooziness hadn't worn off quite as quickly as I had hoped. A chocolate was against my lips and I sucked it into my mouth gratefully. I bit into it, swallowing it hastily. I usually took some time to savor them but I was famished. He offered me another which met the same fate and then water appeared. I managed to hold the bottle and was feeling a bit better.

"Did you eat today Pet?"

I had to think about it. "I had coffee this morning and..." I must have eaten but I couldn't remember when or what it had been. "Maybe not? I think so but I can't remember Sir."

"You have mentioned before skipping meals. You can not do so before a heavy scene. It's in your contract Chris." I almost dropped the bottle, I was in trouble. I must have flinched or changed my expression because I didn't even have time to apologize before he continued. "It's alright, we can work on that later. Relax."

"I'm sorry Sir. I didn't mean to, I... oh, wait, I didn't. I went to get my oil changed and they had to replace my battery and it took forever and then it was late and I had to shave and get ready and... I'm sorry. It was stupid, I should have grabbed something. I just get sort of nervous and I'm never hungry before I come over. I'm sorry."

"Shhh, it's fixable."

"I'm sorry Sir. I won't do it again."

"Forgiven, Pet. Now let's get you to the couch and find you a proper snack." He scooped me up and I didn't even argue, I was just too tired. He'd brought the blanket along with us so it saved me from touching the cool leather when he sat me down. Another one was tossed towards me and by the time I had it arranged he was already in the kitchen grabbing something from a cupboard. "Have a granola bar and finish your water. I'll be back in a few minutes." He placed an extra on the table. "Don't get up while I'm gone."

"Yes Sir." My blood sugar must have leveled off a few minutes later because by I felt much better by the time I finished the granola bar. I grabbed the remote and turned on HGTV to one of my favorite renovation shows. My skin felt so weird and I had a hard time sitting still. I rubbed myself, gently scratched and even tried just curling into a ball; nothing quite alleviated the itch that wasn't an itch. I could feel every tiny place the fibers of the blankets touched me and even knew which blanket was which. I felt hypersensitive to everything.

Only a few minutes had passed before I realized that not only were we going to the club but that I'd be coming back here afterwards to sleep. I grinned, excited about spending so much time with Greg. I didn't have to worry about anything for hours, until tomorrow. I was free. I was examining my fingernails which were oddly fascinating due to the chemicals rushing through my system when I heard him walk in. I'd expected him to be gone much longer.

"How do you feel now?" He walked into the kitchen and started pulling things from the fridge.

"Better Sir, thank you. Could I get up and use the bathroom please?"

He came over and watched me carefully as I stood, then followed me to the door. Apparently he was satisfied that I wasn't going to pass out because he let me go in by myself. "Call me if you feel dizzy."

Half an hour later I was eating an amazing piece of chicken parmesan on a bed of pasta. "This is really good Sir, thank you."

"You're welcome. Take your time and eat and once you've finished, I've laid your clothes out on the bed. The room is yours until 8:57 pm. I expect you to be ready except for your shoes at that time."

"Yes Sir." I couldn't wait.

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