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I woke up with a cat curled up on the blankets near my feet. It was really nice to not be alone. I found myself humming as I got us some breakfast while the coffee brewed.

After my shower I messaged Ollie an update. I'd told him yesterday that Wyatt had come home with me but knew he would wonder how our first night together went. I sent him a picture too and then sent it to Jeremiah and Kristie and my parents as well. I was a proud papa.

By 11:30 I'd answered some work emails, done my daily grooming and had everything packed and ready to go for my very early start Monday morning. I had a 7:15 flight which meant I was going to be bleary eyed and practically unconscious when I left the house tomorrow. I used a lint brush over every single inch of clothing, locked the door behind me and I was off.

Greg walked into the Den right on time and I smiled despite myself. "Good morning Pet." His voice sounded relaxed.

"Good morning Sir." A blindfold was slipping over my eyes and then he told me to stand. My cuffs were linked together behind my back and a ball tucked into my hand. Then came the gag, a small ball so it wasn't too uncomfortable but it certainly did its job.

"You will drop the ball if you need to safe word. Nod if you understand." I did. "Very good."

I ended up lying on the bed on my back, my ass pushed skyward because I was laying on my hands. He was being really quiet, I couldn't even tell exactly where he was until I felt him brush against my outer thighs and then his hands were there too, spreading my legs until they rested over his arms. His mouth found my nipples then and I enjoyed the shivers his tongue sent racing down my spine until I felt the first tug of the clamp. I protested but the sound barely made it out of my throat before there was a second. I tossed my head to the side, biting down hard on the ball.

His mouth was being much more productive and every muscle in my body tensed when he took one of my balls into his mouth. The other soon got the same treatment and then he was sliding his tongue up my cock before sucking the tip into his mouth. I knew not to buck my hips but knowing and managing to not do it are two separate things. It was over too soon but then he was lined up and pressing inside as I panted, struggling to get enough air. It was divine.

I'd barely recovered and gotten used to the brutal pace he was setting before I was spinning. I lost my sense of direction but his strong arms were holding me steady above him. "Make me come, Pet."

I rocked forward, trying to maintain my balance without the help of my hands. A slight adjustment of my knees helped and I came down perfect, his cock pressing against my spot as he slid deep. I needed more and I rocked back and forth, lost in my own pleasure.

"Like that, do you? Need that bruised baby? I can do that for you. But right now, this is for me." His hands wrapped around my hips, his fingertips digging into my ass and he held me steady as he lifted his hips, thrusting hard. I squeezed him with my knees, trying just to hold on somehow against the onslaught but he wasn't letting me go, not even a millimeter. My knees were still shaking even after he came and let me lower myself down. "I saw you looking at Ollie at the club, Pet" he chastised, gathering my balls into his palm. "Want a little taste?"

I couldn't answer and he knew I couldn't. His cock was still buried inside me and he wrapped his hand around mine tight. He tugged on my balls gently, then continued until I tossed my head back. And then, finally, his hand started slipping up and down. I came quickly, slumping over in exhaustion once I had. I ended up on my back with my hands and my nipples freed but I was still blind and mute.

"I will take the gag out for you to have a drink. Then it will go back in and I will speak, uninterrupted. I will give you a chance to give me your opinions and then we will finish our contract talk. Once that is done, the gag will go back in for the rest of the afternoon except for breaks to eat and drink. Do you understand?"

I nodded although I wasn't sure I really quite got all of it. It would work itself out, as long as I had a break coming. He unfastened it and put a bottle of water into my hands which I managed to drink without making a huge mess even though I couldn't see it.

"Do you have any questions?"

"The blindfold Sir?"

"It will stay on for now, until I am finished speaking. Are you ready to listen?"

I nodded and the gag went back in. It felt weird to not be able to see him but maybe it made him more comfortable. I assumed that whatever he wanted to talk about was important or difficult for him to do so and if this helped, I wouldn't argue. Besides, it was his Sunday.

"I have given additional thought to changing the openness of our contract. I've realized that it's in your best interest to have the ability to see other people."

I turned my head, pissed that I couldn't say anything. It didn't stop me from trying but muffled moans weren't going to get me anywhere.

"Shhh. It has nothing to do with my desires or feelings on the matter. Don't read into my decision as being changed through some fault of yours. I was being selfish and I'm now aware of that fact. I won't hold you to it and the contract will stay as it is in that regard. Now I'm going to finish cleaning up and give you a few minutes to relax. I will be right back to free you and then we will go into the living room and discuss the additional items we may want to change.

He didn't want to? What? What did he mean he was being selfish? I heard the water running in the bathroom and then got nervous when I expected him back but he wasn't.

I jumped when I heard his voice. "Pet, do you mind if I sketch you quickly? The lines of your shoulder and neck are gorgeous right now. It won't take long."

Oh, boy [5] boyxboy bdsmWhere stories live. Discover now