Thirty Six

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I took the small bouquet of daffodils from him with a smile. "This was very kind of you. Thank you Sir." I left the door open and turned to go into the kitchen to get a vase.

"They seemed appropriate. They're brave little flowers but so resilient" he said, closing the front door and leaning against it.

I turned, speechless and then decided there was nothing to say to that. "I've never seen them with the orange centers before; these are gorgeous. Thank you."

"You're welcome." I slipped them into a vase, noticing that there were eight which surprised me because 12 would have been just as good for him with the fours. He must have noticed me counting. "Tonight is eight months since your first appointment with me."

Okay now I was really, really flabbergasted. I hadn't even thought to figure out our 'anniversary', mostly because I had no idea which date to use. I guess we were going from our first meeting; that worked for me. "It doesn't feel that long but somehow it feels much longer too. I don't know if that came out the way I meant it Sir."

"A lot has happened since you walked into my office, Pet."

"Yes." That didn't quite cover the 180 my entire life had taken but the fact that he acknowledged it at all made me feel good. "Sir?" He just raised his eyebrows so I continued. "You told me once not to call you if I had a flat tire but if I was in the hospital, would you visit?"

"I would expect you to call if it was going to make you late for one of our appointments. But visit you in the hospital? That would depend on many factors, I think. Why?"

"Well I would want you to. Visit me I mean." I finally had to stop futzing with the flowers; I grabbed my jacket and checked all the pockets just for something to do with my hands.

"I will keep that in mind. You would have an entire team of nurses and doctors caring for you; I can't see that I would be needed but if you would like me to visit I will, if the situation ever arises."

"Thank you Sir."

"Are you ready to go now? We don't have reservations but I am getting hungry."

"Yes S---wait, I have my contract for you." I dashed back and grabbed it off the coffee table. "Here you go. Um, Sir? Where are we going?"

"To have dinner and then I thought we'd get a drink and play some billiards if that's agreeable to you."

"Is the game going to revolve around the '8' ball?" I joked.

"I was hoping so." He smiled at me then, a real smile that I usually only got after sex. It was a gift.

*** *** ***

When I got to the hospital the next afternoon Ollie had been moved to a different room. Kevin had given me the info but still it took a few minutes to find it. He was a sight for sore eyes once I did though, sitting up a little due to the head of his bed raised up about halfway. Even better, the respirator was gone and he just had the little oxygen tubes draped over his ears. "You look so much better!" I exclaimed.

He made a fake 'offended' face before smiling. "Thanks" he croaked. "Got rid of the cath too, almost as good. Could you get me some more water? Ice?" He pointed to his pretty pink pitcher but I realized as soon as I lifted it that it was empty.

"Absolutely, I'll be right back." It took me a minute to find the machine but I was back within a few minutes and hooked him up with a refill. They'd given him a little Styrofoam cup and a straw but he was having some trouble with it.

"You need a sports bottle."

"I do. Tell me about life. What have I missed?"

"Well they brokered world peace, oh, flying cars and uh, Greg and I had a nice date last night" I joked.

"Last one, tell me please?" He was taking tiny little sips and reached for his lip balm which I handed over, taking the cup from him.

"We played pool. Did you know he's good?"

Ollie tried to nod. "Master says he's a shark. But bad at poker."

He'd winked at me but the full realization didn't hit me until I imagined Greg trying to figure out why people would lie about the cards they had and his reaction to that. Even if he COULD play, the idea was funny as hell. I laughed enough for both of us. "Ollie you are crazy!" I sobered up then and handed him his water. "I was really worried about you."

"I know. Sorry. Won't do it again."

I rolled my eyes, then shrugged. "Actually, that works for me. Hey, Mr. Matchmaker? I've been thinking about something and want your opinion."

His eyes flew open and I knew he was interested. "What?"

"What do you think about Dare and Alex? Wishful thinking?" I had a feeling that Alex might be more than willing to go a bit easier now that he didn't feel like he had to repent for how he treated Rebecca, or get all his kicks in one day a week. "Just think about it."

"I'm going to think of nothing else."

"Chris?" Kevin asked from behind me. How could a man that large be so damn quiet? "What are you two plotting?"

Ollie smiled but didn't say anything so it was up to me. "Nothing that involves you Sir."

"Good enough. Okay babe, you wanted a gyro so you get one. The place on the pier wasn't open though, I had to go to a sub shop. Hope it'll taste good to you." He maneuvered Ollie's tray like a pro and unwrapped it for him.

"I need to go guys, hot date tonight at 5." Kevin just nodded and Ollie waved, his mouth already full. "I'll check in tomorrow afternoon and see how you are."

Oh, boy [5] boyxboy bdsmOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant