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There are different ways to go through life and even though most of us seem pretty stuck on doing and seeing things the way we always have, now and then you wake up or hang up the phone and realize that you're not in your normal comfortable bubble. 

I hung up after chatting with Greg that Thursday night and realized that somehow, my entire damn life was revolving around him.  I did everything in my power to juggle my work schedule so that I'd be home Friday nights and Sundays.  My friends knew not to look for me on Sundays even though I'd often spent it with Kristie in the past.  I had changed and my life had changed with me.

I'd told myself months ago and again a few weeks before that that no matter what, I would not fall head over heals. When had I stopped reminding myself that I was NOT Greg's boyfriend?  That he couldn't be trusted?  That he wouldn't be there for me?  Had I stopped protecting myself when I was sick and he'd taken care of me?  When he'd pushed himself so hard to meet me halfway on a hundred little things that seemed so simple and easy to others but weren't for him?  When I'd first told Ollie and Kevin that I loved him?  I don't know.

What I did know was that I had a date for Friday night and that I better be on my best behavior.  I felt like I had to walk on eggshells this weekend after all the drama of Christmas.  He hadn't mentioned New Years Eve and I wondered if I could stay and celebrate or if he had plans.  I considered texting him and then thought twice.  Would I ever get used to not being able to just ask?  I decided to get ahold of Ollie instead and try to plan something.  Maybe he would know Greg's plans.

Chris:  Hey how's life?  I'm working, stuck in a nice hotel room so I can't complain.

Ollie:  Life is good.  We have a scary stray cat that Hope absolutely HATES.  When are you home?

Chris:  Hope tries to chase everything that moves.  Tomorrow night for date night.  Was wondering what your NYE plans are? 

Ollie:  Club of course.  You guys coming?

I hadn't even considered that Conflicted would do a thing but as soon as he mentioned it I realized it was sort of obvious.  Would we go? I had no idea.

Chris:  He didn't say.  Not our normal time so I don't know.

Ollie:  I can hear you sighing from here.  Want me to ask Master? 

Chris:  Could you?  I don't know if I'm allowed to ask him.

Ollie:  Master or Sir?  One sec

Ollie:  Master wants to know if Sir was okay Sunday night?

Chris:  He had a breakdown but we handled it.  He seemed fine when I left and we've talked since then.

Ollie:  Last year NYE was Saturday and Sir and Eli went to the club.  He doesn't remember the year before, he's thinking.

Kevin and Ollie were so damn cute together that I could totally picture them, Ollie curled up on the floor or next to Kevin on the couch while he repeated everything I was typing.  They adored each other and seemed to work so well.  Honestly, if Greg hadn't introduced me to them I doubted I would have given Greg a chance, our relationship a chance.  They gave me hope even though our situation was completely different.  It's easier when you're not the first and only.

Chris:  I'll ask him Friday, no biggie.  Can we get together next week?  I'm home.  Maybe during the day while Kevin's working?  I need to set up my cooking lessons too.  I'm so excited.

Ollie:  We need to get caught up for sure.  Let me know about Sunday night or I'll see you there and we can plan. 

Chris:  Will do.  See you soon :)

It was late but I wasn't quite ready to cut the lights.  As much as I travelled you would think that I'd be a pro at jetlag but it still messed up my sleep schedule fairly often.  I walked over to the window and pushed the curtain aside just far enough to look out at the depressing parking lot.  It was drizzling and looked pretty reflecting in the streetlights but I knew how cold it was. 

At least I wasn't in danger of getting snowed in.  I'd spent an extra three days in New York last winter after a huge blizzard had immobilized the city.  That wouldn't do this week, I needed to be home tomorrow night come hell or high water.  Apparently I was in for a treat; he'd used one of my date suggestions but wouldn't tell me which one. 

I honestly hadn't been sure if he'd appreciate the gift or get pissed off.  Actually I felt that way about all of the gifts except the puzzle; that one I'd felt pretty safe about.  I smiled to myself thinking about my gift certificate.  It really had been very sweet and I'd been sort of surprised that he got me anything at all and especially something well, thoughtful.  I wondered if it had been Ollie's idea and told myself to ask him.  Or maybe I didn't want to know.

I took care of my night routine and got undressed and into bed, the remote in my hand.  Sometimes flipping channels through the 319 home shopping channels and 'not in stores!' shows bored me to sleep.  It was worth a try since I had to be up, packed and checked out by 8 tomorrow morning before doing a few hours of work and then catching my flight.

I'd never had a king bed before, at home.  I always bought a queen because it was plenty big enough for me.  I always bought king size comforters and drowned my bed in them, the fluffier and bigger the better.  I'd dated guys before who had one and of course had stayed in lots in hotels but somehow it just wasn't me.  Tonight the bed felt huge, even after I'd put the five extra pillows onto the other side.  Greg had one in his bedroom but then again he was big enough to fill at least half of one.  He said he didn't sleep well; maybe the extra space came in handy when he was tossing and turning.  Who was I kidding? I  missed Greg.  We never slept together but still, I don't know.  I knew it didn't make any sense but the heart wants what it wants, right?

*** I'm sick so to be honest, I'm not sure this makes sense or that it's the least bit interesting but I hope you enjoy it :)  I'm looking forward to their date and then Sunday.  I think Chris and Greg should go to the club, don't you?

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