Chapter 7 - The Forgotten

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The first time I saw her was when she's with Vienna. She is so breathtaking. Every time one of Vienna's and her friend talked about something maybe funny to her, her face lightens up and she started to laugh. She is so strikingly gorgeous.

But then, I always saw either Austin or Taylor talking to her. Maybe she is approachable or maybe they have an interest in her. I tried going to Vienna with purpose so that maybe Vienna can introduce me to her. She did not seem to like me. She despised me. I do not know why. I seem to irritate her so much. However, I constantly saw her stole a glance on me. Maybe I am not at all in her despise?

I tried joining her, Vienna and Dinah after our 'beautiful' introduction, during all lunch and dinner. I even purposely sat in front of her for me to gaze her every chance I got without shame. She looks like the sun. Radiating all life around her. Giving them lights and life. So as the warmth inside of people's heart. Including me. A useless low-life Knight who got nothing exceptional except my status as the Princess of Nefatus, future Ruler of Nefatus.

Every time one of them said something funny, she would laugh. Except for mine. But, sometimes she is so weird, her jokes were so bad, but, I do not know why I am the only one who laughed. And, when it happened, her face went blank and she ignored me. She keeps on replying every word I said with annoyance and pure hate.

She does not want to eat that day. I am only asking her what is wrong. She looked at me sadly and burst out in anger when she heard my voice.

Every night I am accompanied with a different girl. I kissed every one of them, in the hope I would find that someone I am longed for. I tried to remember her name. But, due to the sickness, I felt after she left, I am unable to reply all of her letters and messenger. I am no longer remember her. Everything was so dark and I am living in a shadow without remembering her name.

By seeing Camila, I remembered her. Barely. Every time I see Camila, my heart remembers her. But, dear Herafee Princess, I apologized for not remembering your name. I am so sick by that time. I am able to hear every movement of everything. Including people's heartbeat. I've locked up by my King and Queen until I am able to talk and remember my own name.

Camila... how breathtaking for only the name escape from my lips. Why are you so full of hate of me? What did I ever do, Camila? The moment she held me in the Dine Hall... my heart remembered her, the Princess. But, this is Camila. Not her. I am becoming more confused when Camila said she is letting me go. Why? I did not know her anywhere before. Even if I am close by 50 feet to her, she ran like I am some sort of sickness that will infect her.

When she walked away followed by Austin and Taylor my heart shattered. I should be the one chasing after her. Not them. What else should I do? She hated me. I am in the wrong here. The next thing I knew, Austin been joining us for dinner and she left with him for a date, I supposed. I wanted to stop her. But, I knew I should not. She hates me. She hates every single word I utter. She hates my voice. She hates just by looking at me. She hates my very presence.

When I saw her, at the dinner, my heart clenched and I do not have an appetite to steal a glance at her. She seems happy with Austin. I do not know why she can do such face with anyone else but mine. Why she was able to laugh at every one word except mine. So, I always planned on bickering and making her pissed off, the least I could get was for her to acknowledge my existence. I smiled thinking about her. Oh, Camila...

That night, when I was with the Crystal Gods know who, I saw she was with Austin. She smiled to her ears. I could not take it. I faked kissing the Herafee brunette. I thought maybe I could not remember her, the Princess or Camila. But, the brunette was not the Princess nor Camila. I saw her notice me. I can feel it. I can hear her. My hearing had improved lately. The moment I took a glance toward her, she stepped away. This time, I do not want her to leave me. I wanted her solely to talk to me without any interruptions. 

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