Chapter 11 - I am attracted to you

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Normani saw Dinah walking toward where she and Lauren seated. Every single time feels like it was the first time she saw someone as dazzling as Dinah is. It struck her of how much someone can be so gorgeous and amazing without doing much of work to impress anybody. She was so in love with how Dinah's brain work and her kindness. The way Dinah treated a broken-hearted Camila or a troubled Vienna. It was so fascinating by the sight of it.

Normani then saw where Lauren beeline eyesight to. It was with someone next to Dinah - to Camila, specifically. She already familiar with her bestfriend has a feeling for Camila. But, she does not ask a question of it. She waited for Lauren to tell her about it ultimately. Even though, it tormented Normani to tell Lauren who Camila really is - her real Karla. Whereas Camila was always cemented with Austin, it was so obnoxious to have someone glued to her with a domineering attitude. It was like Austin would want Camila all for himself to disregard the places and time.

Normani was bloated. She walked outside the Dine Hall for a breath of fresh air or else she would vomit at the sight of Austin and Camila. She was hoping to be left in solitary after Lauren was off to the Crystal Gods know where – maybe to eat some girls' faces. She saw Camila walk hand in hand with Austin and left Dinah unaccompanied followed them from behind. It happened these days as Vienna rarely joins them for lunch or dinner. Normani calls for Dinah to accompany her. Dinah feels obliged to comply as she feels nauseous at the sight of Austin kissing Camila's face in the Dine Hall. Whereas, Camila keeps on eyeing Lauren defiantly – maybe expecting at least a reaction from Lauren before Lauren abscond.

Normani and Dinah talk about everything and anything that night at the Fountain Square. It was the first time they spend their alone time together.

"I wish someone would look at me just the way Lauren sneakily steal a glance at Mila," Dinah said.

"What do you mean?"

"I want someone to look at me. Like seriously looking - with so much love, Mani. Have you seen her? I may be delusional for seeing Lauren stare at Camila the way I did. But, I want something like that. I want someone like that. I am not that beautiful like Miss Summoner or Miss World of Truoc. But, am I really that bad? No one wants me!" Dinah exaggerated.

"I think Mila also look at Lauren the same way. More important than any of that, I think you're the most beautiful in this World of Truoc, more than anyone I ever found, Dinah." Dinah astonished by Normani's words. She flushed by it. Opportunely, Normani would not see it as it was dark. The moon was shy that night. The lights were not as shiny as it typically does. Little that Dinah knows, Normani detected it. "Someone who is a fool would be the one that won't appreciate it."

"Are you flirting with me, the Slick Fasner?" Dinah joked.

"Maybe I am."

"What did Lauren always said to those girls... you have a heart for me, Mani?"

"I do." Dinah stunned and stiffen by Normani's sudden revelation. It never occurred to her mind that Normani would feel something that was more than just a friend with her. She tried to disregard it. But, felt exposed under Normani's intent gaze.

Normani knew it would cause a little bit of chaos in Dinah's mind with her small confession. It was not small, to be frank. She has a heart towards Dinah. She always watches her practice her Red Magic in the secret classroom. In a certain occasion, Normani purposely requested for Dinah to teach her Red Magic as she was only able to learn using it after being the Slick Fasner. It was an opportunity that she would always try to find - she had to find. More likely – she needed to find.

Normani saw Dinah practice summoning the Land Monster. The monster comes from the underground - the core of the World of Truoc. In Taglo, it was called the Earth Beast. They would always ruin the crops - in particular, the corns. People of Taglo resented it so much. Probably for the summoners, they could help with their powers. Dinah was in red glows when she was using her powers. Red suited her. It was like her lips today. So full. So red. So Dinah.

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