Chapter 10 - Where art thou?

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"LAUREN!!!" All Dinah, Ally, Normani and I shouted to Lauren that climbed on the ledge of the corridor and jumped into the ocean that was about 40 feet high from the ledge.

"No!!!" I screamed as I ran toward it and gaze down the ocean seeing splashes of water from Lauren's jump. There were a lot of rocks underneath the ocean and surrounding the school. It was steep. "Lauren!" I shouted. There was no answer. "Lauren! Did you hear me?!" There was also no sign of her.

"No... No... No... No... No..... No.......... NO!!! LAUREN!!!!!" I cried. "Lauren!!!" I tried again as I sense Ally, Dinah and Normani hugged me. I am about to jump following Lauren steps but was stopped by Ally. "Ally... No! She's down there! She needs me! She will drown! The rocks will hurt her! I want to help her!!!" I yelled at Ally while Ally just rubbed my back. "No, do not be a fool, Mila! If both of you are gone, then, what about us? Moreover, you are the Wisdom Healer, Mila! You have an obligation! Control your emotions! Calm yourself. We will find her."

"Lauren!!!!!" I screamed her name till all the air in my lungs emptied. Thereupon, my visions blurred and the next thing I knew, I was on my bed. I hoped it was all just a dream. I hope my eyes fooled me. But then, it is not. Or else, I would not be suffering as I felt now. My heart would not feel this stupid ache. I would not feel this numb. Lauren would be here next to me.

Why you have to jump at 40 feet high, Lauren? My heart could not bear this. If only I could hold her at that moment. If only I could grasp her at that moment. If only I could ease her pain at that moment. If only I could ever do something for her. Oh Crystal God! Help me! Please let her be safe and alive!

I woke up and headed to where she jumped. Hoping she would be back. "Lauren... Please be there. I'm coming." But, I was wrong. She didn't. Not even a shadow of her. She's missing. She's gone. I stared at the moon. I screamed for Lauren again. Hoping she would hear me. She would come for me. I screamed until I am left with no energy. I screamed until the sun was about to rise. Yet, Lauren did not come for me. It hurts... I feel like my heart empty. Part of me was gone... Lauren, where art thou?


It's been a week now. Lauren is still missing. The same day she jumped into the ocean, Ally informed Zayn of it. Zayn would like to keep it unspoken. No students would know what happened to Lauren. Everything stays the same. Every class run as usual. Everything moves. Except it is not. Lauren is not before me. She is not here. She is missing. I do not know her whereabouts. I do not know if she is safe. I do not even know... if you're alive, Lauren.

Every day, at night, the school have a search of Lauren, hoping to find her. Or even her body. Please do not be that! Every day since that day too, we have training near the sea-shore which I suggested, hoping maybe, I would find Lauren at the shore, lying down there brought by the sea waves. Dinah even asked the Sea Monster to have a search of her. But, we have no luck on our side. She was nowhere to be found. Due to the secrecy that Zayn insisted to keep shut about the missing Lauren, I had an exemption to go back. Not to Herafee. But, to Nefatus. It is the only thing that I am able to do.

"Karla... What do I owe you a pleasure to seek me for?"

"Dear King of Nefatus, I have news for you. Before that, these are my companions from the school. So, as the last born Princess of Nefatus, your Princess. Ally from Seher, Normani from Taglo, and Dinah from Penyeru. Both Ally and Normani are your last born Princess' companions in her dorm." I introduced them to the King of Nefatus.

"I see. So, how is my daughter? I hope she is not on your bad side. The last time you were here, you befriended her, right? You became a good companion for her. You even have a night in her castle." He grinned mischievously.

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