Chapter Sixteen

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  • Venované Daniela M.


Dedicated to Daniela because she's an awesome friend and also gave me the idea for the baby dinosaur part :)

Sorry for the wait guys. There's something REALLY IMPORTANT at the end so please please read that for me!

Goal: No goal but keep voting :)

Should I enter this in the Watty Awards? ;/

Chapter Sixteen

Somethings are better left unsaid. Unfortunately, there are many people in the world who don't realize this and go ahead and blurt out the comment without realizing the reaction they can get out of the person they're saying it too.

For example, Vanessa.

There I was, being a damsel in distress as I lay on the bed when the door, (that was still camouflaging against the wall, might I add) was flung open and who other than Vanessa walked in with a grinning Amelia trailing close behind her.

"You look like a baby dinosaur," Wasn't really the words I expected to hear. Actually, they're words I never really words I'd ever imagined I'd hear prior to now.

"Gee, I'm sorry; I didn't know falling out of a tree was supposed to make me look like a runway model" I sarcastically said while glaring at her. Her response was the shrug before collapsing onto the chair beside my bed. I stifled my laughter as the hard wood hidden beneath 'soft covers' hit her back hard, making her cry out in pain.

I tuned out their conversation and closed my eyes as Vanessa and Amelia conversed, joined later by the voice I recognized belonged to Lucy. Random thoughts filled my head (mainly involving food because hospital food is shit. It's like swallowing cardboard) though they were halted once I noticed the room had gone quiet. I heard murmuring and strained my ears to hear what the voices were saying. Soon, the sound of a door opening sounded accompanied by the sound of shuffling feet. However, I could still feel a presence in the room...

Through closed lids I saw a shadow fall over my face before fingers reached out to brush hair away from my face. Grasping my hands, they mumbled something incoherent before letting go and pushing their chair away from the bed.

Once they were gone from the room, I had only one thought on my mind.

Who had been in the room alone with me?


"Get out of the way peasants!" I barked grouchily as I hobbled through the crowded hallway on my crutches. Luckily, my a bone in my arm had in fact been fractured and had healed enough for me to be able to support myself on crutches. I heard mumbling from behind me, and turned to glare at the group of boys behind me.

"Who you calling a peasant? Do you want me to shove my crutches in your eye?!" I yelled. The freshmen had that deer-in-headlights- look on their faces and frantically shook their heads as I challenged them to speak with my eyes.

To say I wasn't in the best mood was an understatement.

After making my way home from the hospital, I had spent a whole week at home being pampered only for me to be woken up on a Monday told to get ready for he- school. With struggling to get my clothes on and pack my school bag... well, it wasn't easy. Plus I probably looked like a hobo with my wild hair and plain face.

Amelia and Lucy dragged me away before I could lunge for the boys, whispering that I had to act more lady like. At this I snorted mumbling 'lady like my ass' under my breath.

The rest of the day passed in a blur with Vanessa ignoring us to spend the day with her cronies. Not that I was surprised, she wouldn't be caught dead with 'people like us'.

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