Chapter Six

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AN: Woo 1000 reads! Thank you guys so much I seriously only expected 200 maybe even 150 reads on this story and this is way more than I expected for just 6 chapters! Thanks a lot guys :) So as my reward I'm updating even though you guys didn't reach my goal for the last chapter :( Enjoy the chappie! It has ALOT of drama and I made it as long as possible! It's not fully edited so if you see any mistakes don't be afraid to point them out :)

Goal for next chapter is 150 reads :)



Chapter Six

As soon as we set foot into the mall we headed straight to Forever21. I absolutely loved that store, and I'm pretty much a tomboy. I picked things like beanies, shorts, skinny jeans and a couple of tops before going to the changing room.

"They all look gorgeous on you!" Lucy exclaimed after I put on my last outfit that consisted of a white of the shoulder tee that said "HATERS MAKE ME FAMOUS" in red swirly writing and black leggings with red converses.

"Your outfits are cute too" I said lamely. I didn't really know how to describe them any other way. We payed for the clothes and left carrying two bags each.

After entering nearly every shop in the mall and shopping for nearly 3 hours, Lucy FINALLY decided we deserved a break. Well it was about damn time! After staggering with 10+ bags towards my car I realised we were stuck in a dilemma.

Not all the bags could fit into the car.

"Umm Lu... I don't think all the bags will fit in" I said.

"We have to try!" Lucy replied, determination blazing in her eyes. I picked up the bag nearest to me and put it inside the trunk of the car. About three, maybe four if we tried extra hard, bags could fit into the trunk. We squeezed each one into the trunk, grunting with effort. Lucy had taken off her heels after almost tripping with them twice. To my delight we managed to push 6 bags in. Now what to do with the other four bags we had no idea.

"Um we could put one bag in front of my legs!" Lucy suggested. We put it in front and faced the other three bags.

I glared at them as if mentally sending them a message saying "You three better help us think of ways to get your asses inside this car cos I sure as hell ain't-"

"Sophie?" My train of thoughts was broken and I turned to face who ever was calling me.

"Can you not see we are very busy and do not need to deal with your bull-" I broke off wide eyed as I saw who I was talking too.

"Oh Alex. Hi!" I grinned at him. "What are you doing here?"

"My mum asked me to pick up some groceries" he shrugged. "And you?"

"Oh I'm here with Lucy, my very best friend, doing some shopping." I said. Alex turned to her and he turned very pale. His eyes widened.

"We've met" Lucy said with gritted teeth. It was the first time I had ever seen her look so angry and I became worried.

"Lucy... It's nice to see you again" Alex said, not making eye contact with any of us.

"Whatever" she turned to me. I was shocked at how blunt and rude she was being. "What are we going to do with the bags?"

I sent Alex an apologetic smile and shrugged to Lucy, "I don't know."

"I could put them in my car if you would like?" Alex offered.

"Thanks!" I said at the same time Lucy said "No thank you.". I shot her a warning glare and handed Alex the bags. He walked towards his car and put them in the trunk before getting in.

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