Chapter Twelve

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My birthday is coming up! Friday 26th :) and the only present I want from you guys is 350 reads and 5 comments :)

17,000+ reads? Words cant express the love I feel for you guys right now or how happy I am. Thank you so so much, I'm so grateful I've gotten this many reads when we're not even halfway into the story! I've decided to pay you back by reading/commenting on stories of yours that you leave below no matter what genre.


Dedicated to EvilLeona for her awesome comments that made me smile like an idiot!

Reach the goal and I'll tell you an embarrassing story about myself. @brydie18 knows, but she won't tell you! xD


Reads: 350

Comments: 5


And really, no updates until the goal is reached for real this time.


Chapter Twelve

"And what exactly makes you think I want help from losers like you," Vanessa snorted. We folded our arms and glared at her from across the table.

"May I remind you Vanessa, that if we don't help you your ass might just lose its throne," Lucy smiled sweetly at her. Vanessa shot her an icy look and slumped down in the chair she was tied to.

Now, I know what your thinking. 'These awful people tied Vanessa to a chair?'. Well I'd just like to tell you that we did ask Vanessa sort-of nicely to come with us and when she refused, what other choice did we have? Besides, this is important and if she by chance disagrees to collaborate with us then... we're doing this the hard way.

"So what's the deal?" Vanessa asked after moments of silence. We sent each other nervous looks before turning back to her. Even tied up with her hair mildy frizzy from struggling while dragged into the empty classroom we were currently in, she still managed to look pretty. I rolled my eyes at that before speaking,

"We just want to help," I shrugged and made sure to keep my face blank. Vanessa eyed me suspiciously and honestly I didn't blame her. We were enemies after all, and we weren't supposed to be getting along or helping one another.

"So what's your plan? And untie me before things get real nasty," she added.

"You can't really do anything while your all tied up," Amelia mumbled before rushing over to untie her. Once Vanessa was free, she rubbed her slightly red wrists before standing up and straightening to her full height. She walked over to us, perching on the table and crossing her right leg over her left. I admired her Louis Vuittons for a split second before getting down to business.

"You want to find out who caused the mess right?" I asked. Vanessa clenched her hands into fists and I was surprised she didn't wince from the pain her long manicured nails were probably causing to her hand. She nodded in response before eyeing me once more.

"Well what if I told you I had a plan?"

"Go on..."

"Now, you don't expect us to do this for free, do you now?" Amelia interjected. I glanced at her, slightly surprised. I hadn't even thought of payment earlier on. Maybe she searched what to do when doing deals with high school students?

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