Chapter Twenty Five

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*I love the message behind the song but if you're not into rock then it may not be to your fancy*

Firstly, thank you for all birthday wishes I recieved! Secondly, this will be the last update for the next three weeks bc exams and revision. Again, thank you all for 500K reads - I feel so blessed to have such amazing readers! :)

This chapter was very hard to write, and was rewritten due to everything being deleted. I don't even know what I'm doing with this story anymore tbh :/

Anyinsensitive comments WILL be deleted as you don't know what any person on here goes/has been through.

Fan of the chapter: All of those who go through hell, but still continue smiling. Stay strong, lovelies.

[not edited]


Chapter Twenty Five

As I sipped a trenta-sized Vanilla Bean Frap, I checked my phone once more before scowling. Despite turning up twenty minutes late for my 'meeting' with Alexander, the jerk had the nerve to turn up incredibly later than me! And the worst thing about it is that he has yet to turn up.

Sighing, I gulped down the remaining liquid in my cup before standing up to order a final cup of coffee and leave.

Just as I grabbed my purse, the door to the coffee house was flung open, smashing against the wall behind it and rattling loudly. Stifling a gasp, I watched as Alexander staggered in with his eyes downcast.

He looked worse than I had ever seen him. While one side of his face seemed be fine other than small minor bruises, the other was covered in several larger bruises and the skin around his eye was a purplish-black.

Noticing his discomfort at every pair of eyes in the room staring at him, I strode across the room, clamped one hand around his wrist and dragged him out.

Once we were seated in my car, the silence around us become deafening as neither of us uttered a word. I had a million questions running through my head but didn't have the ability to form a coherent sentence.

Deciding outside a cafe wasn't the best place to have a conversation, I drove until we reached a sloped hill overlooking some parts of the city.

Then, turning towards him I asked, "Who did that to you?"

"Don't worry about that..."

"Worry? Who the fuck said I'm worried?" I spat, and he flinched at my cold tone. "I'm just not cruel enough to show no emotion to a person that's obviously injured."

"Vanessa is my step-sister."

I was so busy calming myself down that I almost didn't hear what he said.


My chest suddenly tightened and I was struggling to breathe. My vision was blurry as it darkened, and I could hear the sound of my heart beating erratically in my ears like the irregular beat of a drum.

Then, everything became clear.

"What?" I screeched. "What the actual fuck?"

"Look, I didn't mean to drop it on you like that." Alexander ruffled his hair and avoided my eyes. "Well?"

"What do you mean 'well'?" his eyes shot up to meet mine. "What were you expecting me to do; tickle your chin and call you a cheeky little cunt? Perhaps my use of 'British slang' will help you understand, I didn't meet up with you for a small conversation. If anything, I want a full explanation right now so that after, I can tell you I don't fuck around with fuckboys like you."

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