Chapter Five

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AN: Somebody inboxed me to say that because I replied to a comment that makes 2 comments meaning that I have to update -_- haha! But next time I'll update when TWO people comment not counting me! Also I've decided to make Lucy and Blake twins (but non identical cos they don't look anything like eachother) because I just realised they can't be in the same year and be the same age without being twins -_- Oh and as you may have realised I've changed my name from AnnaBoox to ExoticSkittles. Hehe get it? 'Cos I'm addicted to skittles? No? Okay. So as I always say, VOTE, COMMENT, AND FAN.

Kiss Kiss




Chapter Five


I glared at Blake and he did the same back. We were currently seated outside the principals office and Blake was holding an ice pack on his bruised cheek. I smirked smugly happy that I had managed to damage some part of him. Feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket I pulled it out and saw a message from Lucy.


British transfer? I hadn't heard anything about a new student coming. The phone vibrated again.

"Oh and check youtube... xxx" 

I exited my messages and opened my youtube app. My jaw dropped as I saw Blake and I's fight as one of the top videos. Just as I was about to text Lucy back we heard the principal calling us into his office. He was quite weird.

"Miss Emerson, Mr Richardson please enter the office immediately"

"TTYL Lu xxx" I quickly typed back and slid my phone baxk into my pocket.

"Hey Mr.D, long to no see eh?" I said, trying to lighten the mood as we entered.

"Sit." was all he replied in a monotone voice. Blake smirked and sat down. I copied him.

"Now as you are aware, you are both here because of the fight that I believe Miss Emerson-"

"I didn't start the fight! This orangutan sitting next to me provoked me!"

"-started. I would like to hear both sides of your story. Now Blake you may go first" he continued as if I hadn't interrupted him.


He was cut off my the principal laughing and banging his fist on the table.

"You actually thought I was going to listen to both of your sides of the story!?" he laughed. I told you the principals weird. Blake and I exchanged looks. 

"No. I'm just going to give you detention after school for tomorrow" he said. "Now shoo, get out of my office" 

Gee, rude much? We trudged out of his office.

"Wow thanks alot you psycho nerd" Blake spat before stalking off down the hallway. Ignoring the pang in my chest I simply shrugged and made my way to my english class.

As soon as I entered the classroom every head turned to me but my eyes were glued to the new guy. Not because he was a new student, not because he was ridiculous hot but because he was sitting in MY seat.

"Miss Lee, why is some guy in my seat?" I demanded rudely. A few girls gasped and shot me glares for being so rude towards their new eye candy. 

"Sophie please just take the empty seat next to our new student" Miss Lee sighed. Huffing I made my way towards the desks and slammed my books down before dropping my bag beside me. Every head turned back to the front and Miss Lee resumed teaching.

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