Chapter Fifteen

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Wow, I am in shock. First 34,000+ reads, then 100+ fans and then 500 votes? OmiGOD! Holy... How can I have all of that? Sure it may not seem like a lot but to me it's everything. Thanks everyone! This chappie is dedicated to AwesomelyHaley for one, being an amazing friend and two, being the best co-writer ever! Haven't checked out our collab account yet? It's @NerdyLatte. First ten followers get a follow back on THIS account! Anyways, let's get on with the story shall we? The NEW TNM cover was made by the wonderful @ShiningLights. I definitely recommend her for covers.

Credit to @BeautifiedWeakling from the absolutely amazing trailer she made for me! You can see it on the Prologue chapter and to the side>> :D

By the way, I've decided to put BP on hold. One because as soon as this is finished, it will be under heavy editing and I will work on Unexpected Occurrences and the NEW (yes ;)) book coming out soon!

One more thing! If you like Harry Potter, join the Harry Potter Games contest (joint account is @Harry_Potter_Games). I'm the head of Gryffindor :) The cover on the side is not the official one, just a little something I made :) Might as well practice my cover skills eh?



Chapter Fifteen

"Having fun there?"

I could literally hear the smirk in his voice. Which is weird because you shouldn't be able to hear a smirk because it is a type of smile, not tone of voice. But I could, and that's all that matters. 

Instead of replying I fumbled with the remote clutched in my sweaty palms. Finally, my eyes found a button with the word OFF written in the tiniest print I had ever squinted at. What, did they expect me to carry a magnifying glass everywhere to see print like that? Nonetheless, I couldn't help but feel relieved as I pushed down on the button and the bucking bull of a bed finally came to a halt.

The idiot I'd been trying to so desperately ignore came closer to the bed and flopped down lazily in the chair beside it. Finally, I looked up at him.

You're probably expecting me to explain how gorgeous he looked, with his sun kissed skin and mesmerising blue eyes. But honestly, at the moment he looked as ugly as ever to me. If I had to choose between the pig in front of me and Spongebob, you know who I'd go for?

Spongebob, that's who. Besides, who doesn't like spongebob? He is just so cute, with his large eyes, long nose and yellow skin. Not to mention he wears the coolest outfit ever and-

"Dreaming about me babe?" he asked shooting me a lazy smile.

"You wish," I snorted. "Now get the fuck out of my room before I call the nurse on you."

"Why do girls always get so angry over the littlest things? Right now you look like you want to shove a tampon in my eye!" he said with an incredulous look on his face.

"Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of up your ass, but I guess your eye wouldn't be so bad either" I did a weird sort of shrug with my good shoulder going up while my injured one stayed down.

Fear took up onto his face and I inwardly smiled with satisfaction as he shifted his chair farther away from the bed, just how I liked it. 

"Now get out." I repeated.

"Nope." he said, popping the 'p'.

"Why not?" I whined before adding, "it's not like I want you here anyway."

"Aww babe, you're hurting me!" he exclaimed with a mock hurt expression.

"Do I really look like I care?"

"Fine, I'll leave..." he sighed. I grinned and made a 'shooing' motion towards to closed white door that was once again camouflaging against the door.

"...this chair and sit on your bed instead" he laughed as my jaw dropped and my face twisted into an ugly scowl. If I didn't have a broken foot, right now the idiot would have my foot stuck up his ass. Luckily, the bed was actually quite big and he sat down without causing any pain throughout my body.

"Fine, let's make a deal," I said, knowing that there was no other way I'd get him out of my room. "You have to leave unless you can make me laugh. You can only make five attempts"

He pondered over it before deciding, "Deal."


He was on his first attempt and was already failing miserably. I kept a straight face as he told the story, trying to make it as funny as possible. I yawned as the story came towards an end before giving him a straight face that clearly told him that that story was not funny in any way or form.

He thought for a while before thinking of another one, "My car had broken down and I had to take the bus out to Walmart to get some shit for Mom. Anyways, there was this super hot chick on there, with long legs and big boobs just the way-"

I cut him off, "I don't need details. Just hurry up."

"Okay so I managed to catch her eye and she winked at me before biting her lip. I instantly knew I wanted her then and there. But the stop the bus was at was hers and her way out she purposefully bumped into me, slightly shaking her arse against my crotch"

At this point he stopped to ruffle his hair. I turned away until he continued his story.

"At Walmart, I got all the crap my Mom needed and a few other things for myself. There was another sexy chick at the counter. Once I pulled out my wallet to pay and impress his with the amount of cash I had..." he sucked in a large breath. "I realised the chick on the bus stole my wallet. I ended up being tossed out by security and to top it all off, my pants ripped"

I couldn't help it, I nearly burst out laughing right then and there. Instead I took quick shaky breaths and bit the inside of my cheeks hard to restrain myself with laughing. Tears formed in the corner of my eyes but I didn't let them fall.

Once I was under control I said, "Sorry, just wasn't good enough. Try again"

His jaw dropped as he thought of another hilarious story to tell me. His third and fourth attempts were good, but not as funny as the second story, and I managed to keep a straight face throughout it all.

He was now into his fifth and final story. "I had joined the swimming team as a dare from Aiden and since he had been on it the year before he told me everything I needed to know. Apparently, the team had policy that said you had to wear Speedos otherwise you wouldn't be allowed to swim. So I went out and bought a couple of speedos."

"You can imagine my surprised when I realised none of the other guys were wearing speedos and Kyle and Aiden were hidden behind a door, filming my reaction. As I chased them, my speedos er... ripped and I had to chase him naked into the changing room"

Now that was funny. I shook my head and pointed to the door. He sighed and left my room finally. Once I was sure he was gone, I pulled out the iPhone under my pillow and saw that I had 'accidentally' left it on record. Oops.

I played the recording over and over again, each time laughing harder and harder.

Gosh, guys can be so gullible.

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