Chapter Seventeen

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200 FOLLOWERS OH MY SKITTLES :o The prologue has 18,000+ reads... oh my GOD.
Okay so I looked at what you guys wanted the most and it was more updates. So I decided to make it my personal goal to update at least twice each month. How does that sound? By the way some of you were asking who was Logan. It's Alex, I got his name messed up, I'm so sorry!

Dedicated to skittles, I don't know where I'd be without them LOL! Okay so it's been centuries since I've updated and I know I don't really have that many excuses apart from the part that I've been busy with exams, not to mention Christmas is also a really busy time for me. Also, I've been really sick as I had food poisoning so I wasn't the prettiest sight. I kinda just forgot about Wattpad in that time *face palm*

Alsooooooo don't be afraid to spam my message board okay xD I love seeing and reading all the comments you guys leave and I think it needs to become a little lively! OH and whose heard Journals? If you have PM me so we can fangirl together okay ;p

Also dedicated to 
zosiavdk because she's an awesome fan! :)

Chapter Seventeen

 "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Now your probably wondering who exactly asked me this question. Well,l I guess it's only fitting to begin from the beginning right?

My day had started off pretty badly. My alarm had for some odd reason failed to go off at the correct time and the water had refused to run hot, leaving me to try and use freezing cold water to clean myself. Fun? I think not. And to make matters worse, I had managed to drop my contacts down the sink leaving me to wear my thick old glasses.

Quickly tugging on some denim shorts and a tank top, I raced downstairs and out of the door with my bag and car keys in one hand, and a granola bar in the other.

Just as I had gotten into my car my phone vibrated. I unlocked it to reveal a text from Lucy stating that for once Blake had decided to give her a ride. I sighed in relief glad I wouldn't have to stop and face being even later to school. Hey, I may be all pretty on the inside but deep down inside I'm still that nerdy kid from middle school.

By the time I had reached school I was nearly half an hour late. I walked into reception and waited from the lady sitting at the desk to finish up on the phone. After what seemed like hours she finally hung up and turned to face me with a smile. I stared at her with a blank face.

"And why are you late, Miss?" she asked as she tugged the late folder from underneath a mountain of paper. It was only after she asked the question I realised I couldn't really tell her my alarm didn't go off (an excuse she'd probably heard millions of times).

"Uh... I was erm... coughing!" I said untruly before 'coughing' violently. I must've looked like someone having a spaz attack.

"Really?" she raised an eyebrow that clearly said she didn't believe me.

"Yeah uh... I was coughing up phlegm on the bathroom floor?" My statement came out sounding more like a question. Thankfully, judging by the disgusted look on the receptionists face she hadn't noticed my questioning tone and picked up the late folder I had signed with two fingers. Well, I guess I've officially been labelled as the contagious kid.

I grabbed my bag hastily from where I had dropped it to avoid further questioning and rushed through the wooden doors.

Although once I was through I slammed right into something very hard. I reached up to feel whatever I had run into, slightly dizzy from the force of the impact.

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