Chapter Twenty Four

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•GUYS MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 2 WEEKS {26th} AND I MIGHT HIT HALF A MILLION READS BEFORE THEN THAT WOULD BE THE BEST and then I also have this new internet friend whose a guy and do u ever just cri bc attractive people live an ocean away.
• next update should be sometime next week.
•picture on the side kind of describes how Sophie feels.
fan of the chapter: girlygem bc she's so sweet! x
[not edited]


Chapter Twenty Four

Lucas and I were arguing over who was going to eat the last slice of pizza when the doorbell rang. Pushing me off of the couch with his foot, with a flick of his wrist he instructed me to go and open the door.

"It's cold!" I whined. Luke simply glanced at me before reaching for the last slice again. Smacking his hand, I warned him that if I came back to find it gone, things wouldn't be pretty.

Scoffing, he shook his head in disbelief but retracted his hand anyway before focusing on the movie.

As I turned to leave, I had only made it to the doorway before whipping around and catching Luke with half of the pizza slice sticking out of his mouth.

Hell no.

"You idiot!" I screamed. I was just about to lunge at him when the doorbell rang again. Throwing him the dirtiest look I could muster, I decided to put the person ringing the doorbell out of their misery as they were probably beginning to feel chilly.

The only thing 'slightly' suspicious about the whole situation was that who in their right mind would be at our house at 9:30pm? Other than Lucy (who I am evidently not on speaking terms with), I couldn't think of any other person who would.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Ignoring the soft tapping on the door, I unlocked it to see a notification showing a text from an unknown number. I felt a wave of nausea as I read the text that said 'lol, ur DEAD'.

Eyeing the metal softball bat (left by Lucas who was always too lazy to put it elsewhere) beside the door, I decided to keep it close and rested my hand on the doorknob.

You know, just in case I found myself up against a serial killer.

The knocking, which was now louder and more impatient, suddenly stopped and I found myself letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Until the letterbox flap was risen and one beady eye was staring at me, that is. Stifling a scream, I grabbed the bat and shouted for Luke.

He came running out of the living room but froze when he saw me clutching the bat with both hands, hands slightly trembling as I held it close to my chest.

"What's wrong?"

"There's someone at the door." I hissed.

"No shit." he rolled his eyes. "So?"

I handed him the phone to see the text and he stilled before his eyes darted to the door and back to phone continuously.

The letterbox flap slammed shut, the loud sound echoing around the hallway making both Lucas and I jump. Trying to pass off his fear with a forced laugh, he held his hand out for the bat. I handed it over before raising a brow expectantly.

"Okay listen; first, you open the door and-"

"What?" I said in pure disbelief. "Luke, are you trying to get me killed? Does 'lol you're dead' sound like a joke to you when someone's knocking on your door at half past nine?"

"Hey, you didn't let me finish" he protested before lowering his voice. "You can open the door but I'll hide behind it and hit them with the bat if they try anything dodgy, okay?"

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