Chapter Seven

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AN: ahh.. now I see why other people set such high reading goals... BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE FREAKING AMAZING! I only posted the last chapter, what, two days ago? And you guys reached the goal in ONE day and even went over! And this morning I came on and I saw TNM was #780 in Teen Fiction. Then I was on my phone in class (I just couldn't wait to get home lol) and it's at #420 and in Humour #400. I accidently screamed in Science because of that haha. Yeah, I got in trouble, but it was well worth it!
Also, on the prologue chapteryou may have noticed that there seems to be a hater. Look, I'm sorry but if you don't like my story you don't have to comment saying you don't in such a rude way. I've already decided to ignore your comments so please just leave it. This also goes out for any person who doesn't like my story or whatever. Keep it to yourself or save it for someone who cares. Sorry for those who have to sit there in front of their computer, laptop, phone whatever, reading this rant. 

So here's my upload! I hope you enjoy it.

Don't forget to comment and vote! I try to reply back as much as I can. I loved reading your comments on the last chapter by the way, they made me laugh so much! And I love all your reactions, especially otakugrl4lyf's. You guys have been commenting and fanning so much that I actually had to create a folder on my emails JUST for Wattpad so they didn't get mixed up with all my other ones. And that makes me happy. And a happy me means longer, better and more chapters! So comment comment comment! 

This chapter is dedicated to those who have ever been called fat, a nerd, smartass, or anything else offensive. Ignore them, because YOU know your better than that :)

I'm just gonna end this AN here lol.

Oh wait that's Sophie on the right-->

Okay this AN ends here!


Ps: Read the end for the goals for next chapter!!!!!!


Chapter Seven

I was late for school. I had stood outside the house waiting for Lucy before remembering she wasn't coming with me today. So I ended up driving like a mad-woman to school and had to listen to all the insults being shouted at me by others driving on the road. There was a particular man driving a rusty old truck who was so annoying, I finally gave up on ignoring him and flipped the bird in his direction. You know, I've never understand why people call it 'The Bird'. I mean, it doesn't make your hand look like a bird does it? Or is that just me? Hmph. So anyways where was I? Oh yes, the journey to school.

I made it there with one minute to spare. My so-called best friend was no where to be seen so I made a beeline for the next best person who was, of course, Kyle. While walking towards him I couldn't help but notice that everyone was STILL talking about Alex. I mean jheeze, haven't they ever seen a new student come to this school before? Jessica was still giving him the look she though she could seduce him with. Guess my Quasimodo comment didn't knock some sense into her peanut brain. 

"Guess who?" I asked, covering Kyle's eyes which let me tell you was NOT an easy task for someone like me who was alot shorter than him.

"The gingerbread man?" he asked.

"No it's me you idiot!" I grinned at him.

"Oh" was all he could say. Oh my... is that real disappointment on his face?

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