Chapter Eighteen

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Hey :)

I'm so sorry for not updating sooner but I've explained it all in my Notice which I will paste at the end of the chapter for anyone who hasn't read it. The next update will probably be next week and I'm going to try and start updating weekly/every two weeks so I can get onto my other few stories! This was eight pages on word so I'm pretty happy with it!

// Fan Of The Chapter: @SavyBae because she said this is by far the best book on Wattpad (it isn't by the way xD) plus she's a Belieber and lover of skittles :P. //

#RandomFact: My new obsession is the Magcon Boys bc perf.

[not edited]

Chapter Eighteen

"Sophie, can you please stop twerking on the table," Lucy groaned. I scowled down at her from where I was standing on the table.

"I believe the correct term for the dance is Nae Nae" Amelia stated from where she was opening bags full of snacks. "Sophie, hit that nae nae!"

I did the dance and then laughed with Amelia as Lucy glared at me. "How can you even mix up those two dances? Is you dumb? Is you okay?"

"Shut up and speak proper English, you idiot!" the glare was still present on her face but I could see that corners of her mouth were upturned as she tried to hide her smile. I fell off the table as the front door suddenly slammed open and Vanessa came strolling in.

"Sophie, don't you dare stand on my tables again!" Vanessa rolled her eyes and began inspecting the table for damage. She should've know what she was getting herself into when she agreed to let us hold the party in her house.

"Okay," Amelia clapped her hands and turned around to face us all. "I believe everything is ready?" I glanced around the room. The music system was already set up, courtesy of the DJ who had come by earlier to make sure everything was set up accordingly. Tables had been either pushed to the side and had snacks/ drinks placed onto them, or taken outside several of metres away from the massive pool for drinks people wanted to put down before getting into the water.

"Yep," I replied. "Now to get into our outfits."

"One second!" Vanessa said then hurried outside. She returned with some burly men cradling several 12-pack beers under each sculpted arm.

"Wait... there's going to be alcohol?" My throat suddenly closed up. We hadn't agreed to this! The only alcohol I had ever had was a sip from my mother's champagne at a New Year's party. I'd thought I was pretty cool at the time, y'know, but drinking beer was just on a whole new level.

"Of course!" Vanessa said with a 'duh' tone. I glanced at Lucy to see her averting her eyes to the floor. She had obviously known there would be alcohol and hadn't even thought to warn me.

I shrugged and sighed. Perhaps trying some alcohol wouldn't be too bad. After all, the new Sophie was a badass chick (or so I'd like to think) who wasn't afraid of anything.

Except maybe spiders.

We all clambered up the stairs and into Vanessa's ridiculously large bedroom. The walls had been painted a rose pink with white stripes, and in the centre of the room a king sized four poster bed with a canopy, lush satin sheets and several rose scented silky pillows had been placed. Hand woven Persian rugs lined the floor and against one wall there was a fireplace made of marble. The opposite wall held a large flat screen that was practically the size of the wall itself and beside it was a vanity table lined with perfume bottles, make-up, lotions and nail polishes of every colour you can think of. There were three doors: French doors that lead out to a balcony overlooking the freshly mowed garden and pool, large white doors that lead into the walk-in closet and another that led to here en-suite bathroom that was likely to be as glamorous as her bedroom. We chose to walk through the doors that lead into the walk-in closet.

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