38| m y b o y

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"I don't have anything to wear." I say sitting in the bed wrapped in a towel.

"Just stay here, I'll go." He leans on his arm propped on the dresser.

I sigh, unsure if Gage going to Hailey's house without me is a good idea. I can't warn her or anything and she probably thinks I'm dead in a ditch. I should call her before he goes.

"Do you remember where she lives?" I ask reluctantly.

"I'll find it." He shrugs.

I don't have anything to wear besides Gage's clothes which isn't a very good option. Plus I have no shoes anyways so I guess it is best if I stay here.

"Ugh, alright..." I groan.

He walks over to me on the bed and lingers a kiss on my forehead before approaching the door.

"Gage," I call and he turns around.

My period should be coming soon and I don't have time to be bleeding out everywhere...

"Could you get me like, tampons." I bite my lip sheepishly. "Like, the regular ones..."

"There are types? I though you just shove them up your pussy and call it a day." He raises a confused brow.

I widen my eyes and grin.

"Gage," I whine.

He chuckles at my distress, "I'll try."

I watch through my fingers an he leaves the room. As soon as I hear the front door shut I grab an oversized sweatshirt from the closet and wait a few idle minutes.

There's not much to do here. The television on the wall remains unused so I decide to turn it on. Gage must never watch TV. If he did, what would he watch anyways?

He said he likes horror movies, maybe he'd watch that.

Ugh, I'm ridiculous; thinking about what Gage would watch on TV. That's weird.

When the TV turns on a random broadcast appears on the screen.
searching for the remote, I find it shoved in a drawer on the table beside the bed.

One of my favorite movies, Titanic, is showing in ten minutes which makes me twitch in excitement.

I run downstairs and rummage through the cabinets and fridge to find something to consume. I never realized how hungry I have been over the past three days of starvation.

Five fights between Rose and her mother and three pounds of food later, I hear shuffling coming from downstairs.

I find myself in a much happier mood than I was two hours ago as I run into the kitchen where Gage is.

"Hi!" I smile and he turns around.

A confused look laces itself through his face.

"What?" I shrug, looking down at my few bags sitting next to the door lazily. "Thank you." I wrap my arms around his neck and peck his nose which he scrunches up.

"Why are you so happy." Gage smiles admiring my joy.

"I'm PMSing." I shrug.

I look into the bag on the counter. "You did okay." I wink at him when I see the right kind of tampons.

"I think I did better than okay considering your friend attacked me." He smirks.

My eyes widen, "She did? Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I giggle, "That's why you took so long! I literally hadn't opened those bags all week so I know they were already packed."

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