24| d e a l

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A sharp pain in my neck wakes me up and I realize that it's from my position. I try to get up, but Gage has a strong grip around me.

We're in the same position that we fell asleep in and I feel like my neck is going to snap off.

I try my best to slip under his arms without waking him and when I finally escape, he stirs.

I find his shirt on the ground and slip it over my head before walking outside.

The boat is back at the deck and I wonder who steered this the entire night. Especially while hearing our... fun time.

I shiver from the cool breeze and go back to the bedroom.

When I enter, Gage is still asleep. This is the first time I've seen him sleep. I lightly dip the bed when I roll onto it and lay back down.

I prop my head up with my hand and reach the other to his face. I lightly caress his cheek and trace his lips with my finger.

His lip ring was cold, just like his skin. I suddenly long the sight of his beautiful grey eyes and I quickly pull my hand back.

Gage pulls my hand back up to his face, keeping his eyes closed. I silently laugh and continue to trace the features on his face.

"What are you laughing at?" He murmurs.

For once, salty Gage is not present.

I shrug even though he can't see me. I want to hear more of his raspy morning voice.

"Gage." I whisper and poke is cheek.

He opens one eye, "What."

"I never noticed this." I sink my finger into the light dimple on his right cheek.

He grabs my hand and smiles at me before bringing it up to his mouth, "I wanna take you somewhere, today."

"You always want to take me somewhere, and half the time it's with some greasy old goons." I pull my hand away from his and play with my hair.

"The closest thing to a goon you'll be stuck with today is me." He wraps his arm around my back.

"That's the closest it gets." I roll my eyes and pull away, getting up, "Are we gonna get out of here or what?" I say, walking towards the room where my clothes are.

I slip my pants on and put my sweatshirt on over Gage's shirt. I then put on my shoes after I take my ponytail out.

After finding Gage's pants and sweatshirt, I pick them up and go to him in the bedroom.

"Come on!" I yell as I throw the clothes at him.

I hear him groan before I leave the room. Minutes later, Gage comes out to the deck and we walk to his car.

• • •

"I look so good right now, damn." I look at myself in my phone camera.

Gage ignores me.

"I don't deserve this- to look this good. It hurts." I shake my head.

I follow him along the sidewalk.

"At least no one's looking at you. You always seem to draw attention to yourself." He says calmly.

"How do I draw attention to myself? Not that it's a bad thing..." I trail off.

"First off let's start with the way you dress." He tilts his head as he talks.

"And what exactly's wrong with the way I dress?" I arch a brow.

"There's a big difference between you and everyone else."

"So I stand out... What's the problem?" I squint, "I'm hot!"

"Men look at you. Always." He says shortly.

"I wouldn't call that a problem." I chuckle and he purses his lips.

Blocking his path, I step in front of him, stand on my toes, and peck his lips.

My hands hold me up on his shoulders and Gage pulls me back to his side, keeping his hands on my waist.

A gasp erupts through the air and I look up to see where the noise came from.

"Oh my god, Josie, what a surprise!" A now pink haired girl says.


Half of her hair was magenta, and the other half was light pink.

"Um.... Wow... Hey." I try to say enthusiastically, but fail.

"Hey! I totally missed you the other night, you were there right?" She smiles.

"Sure was." I smile.

"Oh, well I have something to show you! I totally though of you when I saw it, it's in that store right there," She points to a random store on the street, "Come on!" She pulls me and I lightly jog so I don't fall over.

I look back, seeing Gage leaning against a pole and watching me getting literally dragged.

When we pass the store and end up in an alley behind it I ask, "Where the hell are you taking me?"

We stop by a dumpster, "Josie," she breathes, "If you tell anyone this information that I am about to give me, you're a dead bitch."

"Okay, just fucking tell me." I cross my arms.

She sighs, "Not even Gage."


"Rich wants you in the business as like, a spy thing. Scratch that, he needs you. You have to."

"And if I don't?" I lean on the dumpster.

"Rich is gonna get his men to take you and they could make you a prostitute, a server, or even kill you. Maybe all three... and more." She lowers her voice.

I don't even want to risk it. "What the hell are you talking about? Where did this come from? What do you mean server? Gage wouldn't let him touch me!" I ramble.

"Shut the fuck up!" She spits, "If you agree, which any person that is not retarded would do, we'll discuss it whenever your crazy boyfriend gives you permission to go somewhere without him." She explains.

"Excuse me?"

"Do you want to die?" She asks me.

"Considering my life is currently a shit show, yes."

The raccoon looking bitch gives me a side eye.

After a few moments of a stare down I sigh, "Fine,"

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