05| t h e r i n g

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I spin around on my heels to face the source. An older man with a beard and a brown jacket comes into view.

I don't say anything, I just stand there. He chuckles deeply when my lips part.

"You know what happens to girls like you 'round here?" He slowly approaches me and I don't move. I can't.

The man lifts his hand to my hair and begins to twirl a small section between his fingers.

I grimace and contemplate socking him and making a run for it, probably jabbing his eyes out with my heel before doing the running part.

Before I can finish planning my getaway plot, a different voice would've given me shivers if I weren't already shivering from the cold.

"If you don't get the fuck away from her, I am going to personally beat your ass and shit on your head." The voice warns.

I manage stifle a laugh in the awkward situation.

The old creep didn't think twice before tripping over his own feet getting out of here.

I swiftly turn around on my heel and begin, "I could have taken him myself, but thanks." I smirk, walking toward his domineering shadow.

He's hooded again and dark hair peeks out from under. "Are you trying to die?" He bellows.

"And if I was?" I press. The light hits his jaw and I watch it clench.

"Then I'd let you." He smirks. He turns around and begins to walk away.

I follow him and airily question, "Where are you going?"

He strokes his chin as if he's thinking, "Places."

"I'm coming with you." I continue to follow him down the alleyway as it gets darker and darker.

He glances back at me with a side smirk and a raised eyebrow, "In that case, you're in for a hell of a show then, babygirl."

His voice is deep and raspy. My heart shatters into a million pieces just thinking about it.

• • •

I shuffle to keep up with his long legs considering compared to him, I am a shrub.

For the most part it's dark and little light creeps behind us thanks to the occasional street lights.

"You could be a psychopath for all I know... that I'm following through a dark alley." I quietly think aloud.

"I am. I'm also your worst nightmare." He licks his top lip before biting it.

"Well if anything happens I guess it's my own fault for trusting you." I don't feel any regret despite these thoughts.

"You shouldn't do that, then." His brooding domineer intimidates me and suddenly my breath quickens along with my pace. The playfulness in his tone throws me off.

We come to a busy road and he notices me stop walking. He looks back at me and groans, "What hell are you doing. You're slowing me down."

"I'm not crossing this street, I'll die!" I explain.

"Weren't you trying to do that earlier though?" He grins, "Are you like a prostitute or something?"

"You're an asshole you motherfucking cock-sucking cunt," I shove his arm, "Do I look like a damn prostitute to you?"

"Anyways," He changes the topic, "just walk." I stare at the busy street as he continues, "you'll be fine, trust me."

"Didn't you tell me not to do that?" I question.

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