07| a l o n e

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Totally random picture of Hailey above>>
My eyes flutter open and I take in my surroundings. I don't want to get up yet so I stay in bed for a while longer.

Gage isn't here, but I could tell he slept in here by the way the sheets on the other side of the bed are tousled.

I eventually arise and put on Gage's black shirt from the night before.

It still smells like him.

The door is open and I don't hear anything aside from my light breathing so I decide to go downstairs to see if he's there.

I don't see him anywhere and I wonder if he just brought me to a random house that wasn't even his and left me here.

He's an asshole, but he can't be that much of an asshole.

I take the hair band from around my wrist and wrap my hair into a tight ponytail.

After about twenty more minutes of waiting, I go back upstairs and find his bathroom. I shower in it and put toothpaste on my finger to brush my teeth since I clearly don't have a toothbrush.

So he brushes his teeth in the shower... There are two kinds of people and this kind can't be trusted.

After my shower, I walk back to his room without a towel and hope he still isn't here. Luckily, he's not and I put my clothes from the night before back on.

Minutes later I find myself tapping on his counter and sitting on the stool in the kitchen.

The door clicks open and Gage's head pops through the door. He's hooded as usual.

He ignores my presence and jogs up the stairs. I roll my eyes before he comes back down moments later.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod and he doesn't see me, but he walks out the door and I follow him, putting on my jacket.

It's warmer than it was last night.

I look to Gage. He has a bruise under his left eye and I can't tell if it's fresh or if it was from the fight I saw.

I don't ask because he already seems pissed as it is. He opens the door to his sleek black car so I can get in. Once I'm inside, he slams the door causing me to flinch.

What the fuck is wrong with him now? His eyes show no emotion when he starts the car and pulls out of the spot we were in.

His eyes stay forward as the car accelerates and we don't say anything to each other.

"I live on the other side of town... In Bellamy." I finally speak up.

Gage doesn't acknowledge me.

He later sets his hand on my bare thigh and the sensation beams through my body.

About twenty minutes later we pull in front of random house and Gage says, "Stay in here." Before leaving me alone for the second time this morning.

I sigh and look out the window for what seemed like forever before the door opens again and Gage sits beside me.

"Where do you live again?" He grunts.

I reluctantly give him my address because I realize that I actually want to stay with him today for some reason.

"You seem upset." I point out.

His eyebrow raises at me, "Do I?"

"Very." I nod.

"I'm not." He spits.

I chuckle at his hostility and wait for his rough hand to lay on my thigh again, but it never happens.

                              •   •   •
We pull into the driveway of my apartment and I don't move.

"Aren't you gonna get out?" Gage asks harshly.

I sigh, "I..."

"You what?"

"I want to stay with you."

I look at him and his eyes soften ever so slightly.

"I mean you don't have t-" I begin.


I look down and purse my lips, "Oh." I start to open the door.

"No, I mean you can... stay with me." He smirks.

I let out a breath and repeat, "Oh." I open the door, "Then I'll be right back."

When I get inside, it's just how I left it and I run upstairs to change my clothes  as quickly as I can. When I come back outside, Gage watches me approach.

"Could you take me to my friend's house so I can get my phone?" I ask, thinking he'll say no.

He rolls his eyes and asks me where she lives.

Time passes by and after moments of silence I ask, "Why do you fight?"

Just when I think he might say me which would be completely insane, he says deeply, "I hurt people, it's what I do."

GAGEWhere stories live. Discover now