24: Beck

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After Dove left us alone, I could barely even look at her. The girl who is currently breaking my heart. She continued to lay down on the patio chair while I sat next to her in silence.

"Remember that time Gregory Hill asked me to the sixth grade dance, but he ditched me right before we even got to the dance?" Bella speaks up.

I chuckle and start to play with a ring on my hand. "Yeah,  I heard about it I convinced Andrew to come jump him with me. But as it turned out Gregory Hill is a strong guy, with strong friends. And Andrew and I got our ass beats."

"Exactly." Bella sits up from the chair and looks at me, but I keep my gaze on my fingers. "You have always been there for me, and I'll always be there for you." She puts her small hand on my shoulders. "No matter what."

I brushed her hand off my shoulder. "But you lied to me Bella."

"I was scared Beckham! I didn't want to lose you and I didn't want to lose us."

Still knowing that I didn't want to be touched by her she wraps both of her arms around my neck and starts to embrace me, with her chest to my back.

"If I wasn't so faded right now, I would take you off of me." I mumble.

"I know." She whispers in my ear and plants a small kiss on my cheek.

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