11: Cameron

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I put the sixer of beer on the cashier counter. "Will that be all?" The Cashier ask.

"Yep." I pull out some cash from my wallet.

He stops checking out the beer. "You are 21 or over, right?"

"Um sure?" I tell him.

He shrugs. "Whatever."

Before I leave the store I see Andrew walk in. "Well well well, isn't it the famous Andrew Jameson. Can I please have your autograph?!" I tease him.

"Sure as long as I get to sign your boobs."

I laugh at him. "Can I have one?" he ask me.

"Go ahead." he takes a beer and chugs it down. He opens his mouth, and the most gag worthy burn comes out.

"You're disgusting." I tell him.

"Not as disgusting as Taylor." Andrew points out.

"True. So what brings you to this gas station?"

"Dove killed my vibe with this girl so I came to get a beer, but thanks to you I don't have to."

"Well you are welcome." We start walking back to Sunset together. "I heard about that all summer football practice thing. It can't be so bad."

"Not that bad? Cameron, it's all summer."

"Yeah, but you love football." I retort.

He sighs. "Next time it's summer, I won't even have time to enjoy it. I'll be way too busy getting ready for college and sobering up. You know they do drug test over there?" He chuckles. "Anyways It's my last summer to do whatever the fuck I want and I don't want to waste it with practice six days a week."

I nod. "I understand. But sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do for a greater purpose."

He shrugs. "Whatever." I clench my fist. Sometimes he annoys me with his nonchalant attitude, but I know it's all just a defense mechanism. But I can only play on offense for so long.

By the end of our conversation we reach Sunset. Andrew holds the door open for me and we walk in. I see Dove talking to Bella and Beck.

"Come on Cameron we are leaving." Dove announces as soon as I reach them.

"What about Bella?" I question.

"I'll meet up with you guys later." Bella responds.

"Cool." I respond and once again walk out of sunset with Dove.

* * * * * *
Hey guys, Hope you're enjoying the story! And if I used the defense and offense line wrong, please tell me! I'm not really a sports person so I don't know how that whole thing works. I just thought it sounded cool. So please vote and comment!!! Love ya'll! 😍

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