2: Andrew

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"Guys I'm telling you Mrs. Dixon really let me sleep with her! That's the only way I could've past chemistry." Taylor shouts in the empty hallway.

"Get a grip stupid, she's married! I don't believe it." Beck says. "And if she did sleep with a teenager, it wouldn't be with you."

"Then who would it be? You? Never. Bella has you wrapped around her little finger." I tell Beck.

"And you have all the girls wrapped around yours." Taylor laughs and jumps on my back, giving my brown hair a quick tussle.

"I'm not wrapped around her finger. She's-"

"Mr. Locke, Mr. Jameson, and Mr. Stallone. I'm glad that you three could make an appearance at school today." Taylor hops off my back, and all three of us turn around and face the obnoxious voice coming from behind us.

I roll my eyes at the sound of that voice. Mr. Crocker is our history teacher and he has a pet peeve about ditching. Which I guess most teachers do, but he's a real pain in the ass about it.

"I would hate to give you guys detention on the last day of school. But school rules are school rules." The old man takes out a notepad and starts writing down stuff. But before he can give us the slips the guys and I bolt the opposite direction.

 But before he can give us the slips the guys and I bolt the opposite direction

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"Gentleman, come back right this instance!" He shouts after us.

"Nope! In your dreams grandpa!" Taylor yells back and flips him the bird.

"Mr. Locke! How rude!"

We turn a bunch of corners until we are on the other side of school.

I sigh and lean against a group of lockers. "That was close."

The classroom door next to us opens and out walks pretty Mrs. Dixon. "Beck Stallone, you are just in time for class." She smirks at him.

Not even having time to catch his breath after running, Mrs. Dixon takes her manicured hands and grabs Beck by his sleeve, and pulls him into the classroom. From inside we can hear giggles coming from the students. I poke my head inside and wave to a group of smiling girls in the corner.

Mrs. Dixon glares at me, and takes the collar of my shirt and shoves me out of her doorway. "Andrew I suggest you stop flirting and get to class. You too Taylor."

"Anything for you Mrs. Dixon, or can I call you Cherry?" Taylor responds smoothly.

The vixen sighs wearily. "Goodbye Taylor." Then she shuts the door in our faces.

"Man she looks so good today." Taylor still groans in ecstasy, even after being shut down.

"Yeah and way out of your league."

Taylor takes a joint out of his pocket and lights it. "Anyways man I have to go, Jack is in the back of the library waiting for his money."

"Alright man."

Taylor salutes me and starts jogging to the library.

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