10: Dove

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After we entered Sunset I spotted Andrew by the bar flirting with some girl. "Andrew? Have you seen Ben?" I could tell the girl was glaring at me for interrupting their conversation, but I couldn't have cared less. A girl who spends her days trolling in a dump like this, is not to be bothered with.

"Yeah, he's in the back with Jack."

I groan. "Shit. He's about to spend my money." I walk past the harlot and she roughly brushes against my shoulder on purpose. I look back and face Andrew and make a gagging sign towards the girl. He gives a small smile at my gesture and leaves the girl empty handed. Besides Bella and Beck, Andrew and I have known each other the longest, since kindergarten. So even though we may not act like it, we have a bond and respect each other. So when I say a girl is trash, he obeys. And vice versa.

I march past the vomit stains and useless lottery tickets, that were on the floor,to the back door of Sunset and exit it to find Jack and Ben.

Once I barge through the back entrance, Ben curses under his breath once he sees me. "I told you I got you later. It's only twenty bucks."

"I don't care I want it now."

"Hello Dove."

"Jack." I greet with distain. To me drug dealers only cause pain and misery. Without him them, illegal substances would have a hard time reaching civilians. And the world would be a better place.

"But Jack has a really good price on-"

"I don't care." I put my hand out. "Now."

Ben sighs and reaches into his pocket to pull out twenty bucks. He puts it in my hand and I smile. "Sorry Jack I'll get some later."

"It's cool man." Jack responds with a loopy looking smile on his face. Then Ben goes back into Sunset, leaving me outside with the devil himself.

"Why won't you buy from me princess? Is my product not good enough for you?" Jack challenges me.

"No it's because I don't smoke. And besides if I wanted your products I would get some from your brother." I tell him.

"What?" It seems that sentence has snapped him out of his daze.

"Earlier he offered some weed to my friends at a discount."

The blue eyed boy frowns. "That son of a bitch." Jack removes his groupies from his body and rushes toward his car.

"You know that calling your brother a son of a bitch is calling your mom a bitch."

The drug dealer flips me off.

"Okay then." I flip my hair, and with my money in hand, I go back into sunset.

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