8: Beck

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"Hey momma." I greet my mom as I walk in the house. Home was the only other thing that made me feel really comfortable, besides Bella.

"Hello baby." She kisses me on the cheek.

"Where's Bella? She usually comes home with you?" I guess since I'm so attached with Bella, that my mom is used to seeing her so often. She's like a second daughter.

"She went to the mall with Dove and Cameron." I tell her as I start going through the fridge. "Also there is a party that-"

"Don't worry you can go. Casey already told me about it, she's in her room planning it with Jenny."

I nod and close the fridge. I exit the kitchen and walk down the hallway to my sisters room.

"I swear if Jack doesn't come through with the drugs, those drugs won't be the only thing killing him tonight." Jenny groans as I walk in the room.

"You too should talk more quietly before mom hears you." I tell them.

"Who said you could come in?" Casey throws a pillow at me. "Get out." Even though Casey always tells me to leave her alone, I know she really wants me close by. So I just grin at her. People say we're twins with the same auburn hair, green eyes, and facial structure. The only difference is that she has boobs and I have balls.

"No!" Jenny interjects. "He can stay." She smiles at me flirtatiously.

I clear my throat awkwardly and ignore her. "Anyways I wanted to know if you needed a ride?"

Casey shakes her head no. "I'm going early to help Jenny set up."

"Cool." I say.

Before I left Casey ask me a question. "Have you talked to Bella?"

"Not since school let out earlier. Why?"

She waves it off. "Nevermind." I give her a puzzling look.

It doesn't really matter, I have places to go and people to see. The guys texted me to meet them at Sunset Arena. So I leave the house to meet up with them.


"So no more party at South Lake?" Andrew ask disappointedly.he adds a little pout that girls swoon over, but makes the rest of us gag.

Sunset Arena was like a bar for teenagers, except that they didn't serve alcoholic drinks. So that's why we have to go down to the gas station around the block to get some. Most people would say that this town sucks, but they can't disagree on how lenient they are with alcohol. But I mean this is a time right after the sixties. And I've heard stores about what went on in these decades. I shiver. Scary stuff.

"Nah little Jenny is throwing a big one. I heard she rented a house." Ben mentions as he takes another swing of beer.

"Yeah it's true. My sister is helping her set up."

"Mmmm your sister." Taylor says.

I slap him over the head. "My sister is off limits."

"Ow! Your girlfriend is off limits, your sister is off limits. What's next? Your mom?" Taylor jokes.

"You're disgusting man." Andrew laughs at him.

"Only when I'm sober. When I'm not, I'm just down right dirty." Some of the boys were playing pool and Taylor makes his hit. Obviously he looses because he sucks as pool and gives his thirty bucks to Ben.

"Hey party people!" Jack announces when he walks into Sunset. Of course trailing behind him is his groupies.

"Hey! Jack-o!" Ben greets him. "I just won thirty bucks. Do you have anything for me?"

"Step into my office." Jack leads him to the back of Sunset.

"So Andrew I-" I turn to talk to Andrew, but he's already half way across the bar talking to some chick.

"Um Beck I need a ride to the party. So pick me up?" Taylor ask.

"No problem." I respond.

"Thanks man. I got to go to the bank and pick up more cash." He looks into his wallet. "Ben wiped be fucking clean."

"Alright see ya."

If you can't tell or don't know who those people are up top in the pic, I used them for reference as Beck and Casey, because I love Alex and Justin's sibling relationship in the show 😍. But think of it as Beck has Alex's personality and Casey has Justin's.

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