1: Cameron

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"Fuck love!" Taylor shouts.

Andrew looks at him confused, "Fuck love? Why?"

Taylor sighs and pushes his long black hair from his face. "Because it was created by scientist to control us, man! Don't give in!"

Dove scoffs, "You need to cut back on the weed."

Taylor throws his hands up in the air and gets up from edge of the concrete wall separating a park and a Walmart parking lot. "No you need to start smoking." He gives a loopy smile. "It'll change your life."

"Yeah it will. Then it will lead me to cocaine, then heroine, and then death." Dove sneered at him.

"Oh bite me you prissy bitch."

"Well fuc-"

"Guys!" Andrew shouts. "Can you not be at each other's throats for two seconds?"

"Tell Taylor to grow up and maybe it'll happen." Dove suggest.

"Tell Dove to give it up and maybe it'll happen." He winks at her and starts thrusting his pelvis her way.

"Ugh!" The blonde girl shouts. "You are a disgusting creature, Taylor!!" Dove marches away from the group of kids and doesn't stop until she reaches her car door.

"You've really done it know Taylor." Bella says as she leans against her boyfriend.

We all watch Dove walk away, while Taylor goes into a rant about how he can't stand Dove, but we all know that he's head over heels for her.

It was the last day of school and most of us were ditching our third period to just chill. There was Andrew, Taylor, Dove, me, Bella and her boyfriend Beck, just hanging.

"So what's the plans for tonight?" Andrew asks to no one in particular.

"I heard there was a party down in South Lake tonight." Beck speaks out as he takes a hit of Taylor's joint.

"Alright!" Taylor cheers. "South lake girls!"

I roll my eyes. "Are you kidding me? South Lake girls are so trashy."

"But that's why I love them, Cameron." Taylor responds and Andrew and him do a little no handshake in agreement.

"Dove is right, you guys do need to grow up." Bella adds between her and her boyfriends kisses.

"Speaking of People who would wish you guys would just grow up..." I trail on.

We all look up and speeding towards us is a 2005 Chevy.

Dove parks in front of us. "Get in, I forgot that I was your ride."

I open the side door and hop in. "Are you coming Bella?"

"Yeah." She gives her boyfriend a kiss and gets in the back of the car.

"Remember guys you have to show up to at least half of your classes." Dove reminds them. "Or you don't graduate."

With her last words she pulls away from the group of boys and heads on the road back to school.

"Dove, can you slow down?!" Bella shouts. "I don't even understand how they gave you your license."

"They gave me my license because I'm a good driver." She states while putting on lipstick.

I laugh at her. "They probably only let you pass because you paid them or something."

"Bite me Cameron. And if you don't like my driving both of you can get out." She snaps at us.

Bella and I suddenly become very quiet, because we know Dove is dead serious

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Bella and I suddenly become very quiet, because we know Dove is dead serious.

"That's what I thought." Dove puts her lipstick back in her purse and puts both of her hands back on the steering wheel. "Now, let's have the best last day as juniors ever!" She screams.

Bella and I start screaming with her and Dove pushes on the gas pedal. The Windows were down and our blonde, brown, and black hair was flowing through the air. This summer is going to be amazing.

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