4: Andrew

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"I really wanted this to be a team meeting, but-" Coach glances at Taylor and Taylor waves innocently at him "Mr. Locke has invited himself."

For some reason the old balding man never really liked Taylor. Maybe it's because Taylor has flowing locks and Coach doesn't. Or maybe it's because Taylor slept with his daughter on freshman year homecoming and totally broke her heart? The world may never know.

"Well you know how much I love football." Taylor responds sarcastically.

Daniel, another junior like me and my friends, whispers to Taylor. "I heard you really pissed off Barbra Mitchell."

Taylor shrugs. "She'll get over it."

"Just pray she doesn't call her older brother down here. Cause she will. That whole family is insane." Daniel continues. "My little sister went trick-or-treating at their house one time and her mom pulled a rifle on her."

"Hey! Pay attention! No one cares about your sister Daniel!" Coach yells at him.

Daniel immediately stands up straight and stops talking. I chuckle at him, that guy would do whatever Coach wanted.

"Anyways this year I have instated practice all summer long, instead of just the beginning of August."

Around the room groans and aggressive whispers could be heard. "We are so close to the championships and we need that extra push." Coach says obviously excited about this torture.

This is bullshit! After he drops that bomb on us, he has the nerve to continue the rest of the meeting about something else. I was so irritated by this news, that I just stopped paying attention to the rest of the meeting. I was pissed about wasting my summer at this dump. He wants me to spend my last free summer, here? Is he crazy?

During the duration of this meeting Taylor left, probably because the coast was clear of Barbra, and this meeting was boring. I wish I could leave, but a captain has duties. Even if it's an unwilling captain. At the end of it everyone left except me. I need to talk to coach.

"Um coach?"

"Yes Andrew?"

"I'm not coming... to the summer practices, maybe I'll see you in August or something. But I can't go." I quietly wait for his response, because I know he'll be mad.

"What do you mean you can't? You're the star quarterback, you have to!"

"This is my last summer worry free and I don't want to spend it in this dump. It's bullshit."

"No, wasting time and partying all day and night is bullshit. Don't waste your time or mine. You're coming! Now get out of my office!" He points to the door.

"Whatever." I mutter and as soon as I walk out he slams the door on me. That pricks just mad because I won't relive his glory days for him. If he wanted someone to live through, he should've had a son.

The last day of schoolМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя