20: Andrew

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After taking Beck to a keg stand, I decided to introduce him to some South Lake girls Lincoln brought back from the party. I decided he needed to let loose and free. And South Lake girls are exactly the type of people to help him with that. Even though its been a couple hours since that weird party with Lincoln and Ben, I'm still a mess trying to scramble my memories of that short lived party. Every couple of minutes I would get a flash of something and then a piercing headache. A lesson that I learned tonight is don't try any experimental drugs from Lincoln.

"Wow! This is great!" Beck exclaims as he has two girl on each side of him.

"Tell me about it." I grin at him. This is what he needed to be doing during high school, not in a relationship. Relationships are for when you are old and dying. Not young and alive.

"Beck Stallone! Come here right now!" In the doorway of one of the private room of the house is Casey.

Beck throws his head back and groans. "I don't want to!"

Casey storms in and pulls Beck off the plush couch. "But you are going too! I know Bella hurt you, but you love her and she loves you. So snap out of this!" She slaps her brother in the face. "Don't ruin a good thing. You should be happy for her, so don't act petty."

"Casey calm down he's just being a guy." I tell her as Beck rubs the spot where is sister slapped him.

" I tell her as Beck rubs the spot where is sister slapped him

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

She turns away from her brother and turns to me. "Shut up Andrew! Just because your dad left you, and your mom doesn't mean you can go being an asshole! Shit happens! So don't drag Beck into your deep black hole of fucking despair!"

I clench my fist. "Oh that's it!" I get up angrily to argue more, but Beck holds me back.

Then just like the child she is, Casey sticks her tongue out at me and walks out the room.

The last day of schoolHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin