I believe in YOU.

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Hey everyone. This isn't a chapter, but it needs to be said.

You are great. You. The one reading this right now. You are an incredible, amazing, magnificent person. You are a person who has a purpose. You might not know that, but I swear to you it's true.

You are someone who deserves second chances, who deserves to feel good, who deserves to live. 

Believe me when I say: You are cared about. So, so much more than you'd think. By many more people than comes to your mind.

I'm not gonna lie. Life can suck, I know, trust me, I know. But life isn't just the sucky-ness, there are some incredible things that you need to see and experience. Experiences that wouldn't be nearly as good without you here on Earth.

I'm saying this because I know this. I've been in some really hard spots. Heck, I had no childhood, I was just poked, prodded, and tested by doctors. For seven years of my life, I was in some sort of doctor's office 80% of the time, wether it be therapy, psychiatry, or lab work.

I know what it's like to want it all to end. But I'm glad I now know how good things can be once you get out of those hard patches.

I'm not writing this for me, but for you. All I'm saying is that in the past, I've had serious trouble. I know how you might feel. I've been there. I understand. Since I've been in that mindset before, know what I'm telling you is true. It can, and WILL get better.

I know what my purpose is in life, and once you know what yours is, things are a lot easier overall.

My purpose, I've realized, is to help people. (And that's when I got my Cutie Mark, heh heh.)

I want nothing more than for everyone in the world to be safe and happy. Today, I realized that I can't control that much. That everyone's life isn't in my hands. I can't save everyone from putting an end to their life. But I'll sure as hell try. But the reality to my dream is:

I can't choose your fate. You can.

Keeping that in mind, I ask that follow your dreams in life, use your talents, and know that you can get through anything.

This pain is only temporary, so attempt to wait, even just one more day. You can do anything, no matter how impossible it may be. I believe- no - I KNOW that it will get better.

You can make it. I know you can. Whatever you do, don't give up.

I believe in you.

If you want 24/7 help for anxiety/depression/suicidal thoughts:

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