Apology Q&A (CLOSED!)

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You groan. You're annoyed at the author. "Is this another freaking author's note?!"

Yes. Yes it is.

Instead of me showering you with excuses like usual, I had an idea to get you lovely readers another update, and also to get myself back to writing.

My idea is this: Author Q&A!

"That's it?" You may be wondering.

Pretty much, yes.

I'm HORRIBLY behind in school, to the point where graduation on time seems.. Unlikely. (And my buddy AJ and I have been having our four-hour One Punch Man and Noragami viewing sessions.)

BUT, I'm the kind of person that needs "side projects" in order to get anything done. That's your job.

If you so desire, you could leave a comment in the comment section.. (Well, I mean, that's what the comment section is for, I guess. Comments.)

If there's anything you want to know about me, my life, my obsessions with anime (which kinda is my life) and so on, drop a question and I'll probably answer it.

However, there are a few limitations. I know, I know, rules are no fun. I just want to keep things safe for those around me, m'kay? So none of that "Whats your email address?" "Where do u live?" "Is yer siblings hawt?" type comments.

Also, any comments telling me to update will be ignored. I'm workin' on it, but my life is kinda a disaster right now.

Guess what, I just showered you with excuses again. FFFFFFF-

Anyhoo, ask what ya want, I will be answering at 9:00PM Est April 4.

Sorry for another not-chapter, but I hope getting you involved makes up for it. Catch ya tomorrow! See ya!

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