Chapter 58: Meeting Patricia and thinking wrong.

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...I had no fitting Mark picture...

This chapter is dedicated to (even though you're alive) Patricia, an old friend of my grandma, a nice lady, and someone who hates my guts.


"I said 'I think'!!!" Lauryn shrieked.

Both you and Mark turned to see Molly smacking Lauryn on the head with a rolled-up Women's Health magazine.

"You thought wrong!" Molly loudly responded, hitting her again with the magazine. "He's in critical condition!"

You blinked twice, unsure of what to think. Barry sighed and sat down in a chair, grabbing two pens, and a magazine to read.

Sean on the other hand, was very obviously trying not to laugh at the spectacle in front of you. He wasn't succeeding.

"Wade could die!" Molly wailed. "Wade could be dead already, thanks to you!"

"Technically that'd be the surgeon's fault. I'm not the one doing the surgerOH SHI-" Lauryn was cut off by a hard whack to the face.

"Ey, shut up trainee!" The receptionist, who was also holding a rolled magazine, snapped at Lauryn.

Mark took his hand off your shoulder. And sat down in a waiting room chair. He leaned back and ran his hand through his hair.

"Damn it, Wade. Don't go and die on me.." Mark whispered to himself.

'Be okay Wade.. Please. Mark needs you alive..'

Lauryn was clutching her elbow, sitting grumpily in a chair next to Barry. Barry handed her one of the pens he had grabbed. Molly was glaring daggers at the brown-haired geek.

'If you die, I honestly don't think Molly will let Lauryn live...'

"(Y/n), Molly, Lauryn-Barry combo." A nurse called from the doors to the back treatment area.

The nurse was at least fourty-five, short and stout. She greatly reminded you of Whoopi Goldberg. She had her dark hair in a ponytail, and a look on her face that read "I can't wait to go home"

"Hah? Oh, right. Hi Patricia! Nice to see ya again!" Lauryn stood and talked to the nurse. Barry quickly followed. "You gave me my morphine last time I was here."

"Yeah. And you the girl who kept screaming 'deez nuts'. I still regret givin' you that stuff." Patricia responded, glaring at Barry.

Barry mouthed 'sorry about that' to the woman.

"Haha, best kidney stone ev-ver!"

"Y'all just get in here. Unless you wanna bleed out. In which case the morgue is-"

"Downstairs, second hallway, three doors from the left." Lauryn finished.

"Why do you know that?" You asked Lauryn.

"Uh, in case there's a zombie apocalypse, duh."

You decided to play along, rather than fight about something so pointless.

Nodding slightly, you followed the line of women (plus Barry) into the treatment area. You took a look  at Mark who looked back with caring eyes.

Patricia showed the three of you into a room, and you all sat down in wide chairs. She sat on a wheely-stool.

"Y'all know what happened at that apartment place? I heard there was some explosion or somethin' that went on there. The police all dead too. You didn't cause this mess did you?" The nurse asked, as she started removing the makeshift splint around Lauryn's arm.

"Oh come on, I get into a lot of trouble, but not explosion trouble." Lauryn half-laughed half-responded.

"You came in for third degree burns on your hands tryin' to microwave a mac&cheese cup." Patricia replied, flatly.

"How'd you do that? All you do is add water and put in in." You asked the strange editor, who winced when the nurse touched her arm.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Barry frantically gesturing for you not to ask.

The blunt medic moved on to Molly. The blonde woman shifted in her chair.

"SO HOW'S WADE?" Molly accidentally yelled. She covered her mouth before repeating herself,  quieter. "So, how's Wade?"

"Hm? Oh the half-dead guy that came in with you?" Patricia asked, moving over to you, taking off the band-aids you put on while Sean was getting the car.

"HALF DEAD?!" Molly shrieked at the medic, who remained stoic.

"Well what you want me to call it? Half alive?"

"Is he going to live?"


Molly responded by screaming with her mouth closed.

'Wade really could be dying?'

"Hey Space Cadet, I asked you somethin'" Patricia spat, snapping her fingers to get you to focus. "What got you this road rash?"

You sucked your cheeks in, thinking. You didn't want to explain everything, for many reasons. No doubt you'd have to speak to some sort of authority about Bristol, and you imagined that it would take forever if someone had to type down all the dialogue.

"I, uh, I fell into a pool and an Irish guy dragged me across the pavement." You replied, mentally facepalming yourself.

"Mmhmm.. Alright, the doctor'll be in here shortly. Alright hairball, you getting an X-ray on that arm. Come with me."

Lauryn waved back as she, Barry, and Patricia left the room.

You heard Molly sniff. Turning away from the door, you saw her hunched over, crying.

"Don't die, please!" She begged aloud. You put a hand on her shoulder. She didn't even look up.

'Poor Molly... At least it wasn't Bristol on that stretcher. But I don't know if this is any better.." You thought.

Ah forget it, this story isn't over. I mean sure, main antagonist is gone, so game over right?

Well no. Even though you did a successful Fatality, it doesn't mean you've finished Mortal Kombat.

Anyway, here's a chapter! Yay! Just like everyone has been ordering me to do. Sorry that life got in the way of my fanfic, I'll try to do better. (−_−)

Sorry about all the A/Ns.. Some people love them, and some people hate me for them. I don't know what to say about that. Well, nothing other than I'll catch you next time. See ya!

P.S. A revenant, a brutality, or an
ally? So many options...

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