before they kill what tomorrow brings

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Frank's pov

I woke up and opened my eyes, I remembered that we had escaped and I smiled. I sat up and noticed gerard wasn't in bed still, I jumped up and ran downstairs.

Gerard was standing in the kitchen staring out the window, I walked over and hugged him from behind. Gerard jumped and calmed down when he realized it was just me. "Are you ready for this gerard?" I asked breaking the silence. "No" he said, my mouth dropped open "what?" I said. "I haven't had any coffee yet" he said in all seriousness and then laughed. I sighed "you little shit" I said. "Can we go get coffee?" Gerard asked in a child like tone. "Of course we can gee" I answered. "Yay" gerard said clapping his hands lightly.

I ran upstairs and got dressed pulling on black jeans, a misfits shirt, and converse. I went downstairs and put on a dark blue jacket and waited for gerard. He came downstairs wearing tight black jeans, a dark blue shirt, and black leather jacket. He pulled on his black boots and we were about to go out when we realized we might need to hide our faces. I pulled open a drawer filled with winter hats, mitts and summer hats, I finally found a slouchy grey winter hat and handed it to gerard. He put it on and I pulled out a similar hat except it was red.

We stepped outside and started walking down the sidewalk. "What if someone recognizes us?" Gerard asked suddenly. "Run" I said boldly. "Okay" gerard whispered.
After a few minutes of walking we arrived at a small coffee shop on the corner of a street. I pulled open the door letting gerard step inside and I followed behind him, I gestured for him to go find I table while I ordered our coffees. I walked up to the counter and waited for them to take my order.
"Hi what would you like to order?" The cashier asked, the cashier was a girl with shoulder length, curled brown hair that was up in a ponytail. "Yeah can I get two medium french vanillas please?" I said. " Of course, I'll be right back with your order" she said.
I stood and waited for her to come back, she handed me the coffees and I gave her some money and went back to where gerard sat. "Hey, I'm back with the coffee" I said. Gerard looked up as I said that. "Thanks Frankie" he said smiling, We drank our coffee and then left the shop.

"Okay here's the plan" I said as I closed the door behind us. We go to the main park, you know the one that's always really busy and get everyone's attention. Once we have their attention I'll prove that I'm a vampire and you're not crazy." I said enthusiastically. "Okay" gerard said.

We got ready and ran to the park as fast as we could, we climbed up onto a picnic table and I turned to gerard.
He looked at me with slight concern and he looked a bit nervous "are you sure you want to do this frank" gerard said quietly. "I've never been more sure in my entire life" I said. "Okay" gerard whispered.

I stood up straight on the picnic table and yelled "Can I have everyone's attention for a moment this is very important" Everyone turned around to stare at the two teenagers standing on a picnic table in the middle of a park. I heard a few gasps, I figured it was because they recognized us as the teenagers who broke out of a mental institution last night.

I continued "before you do anything or call the police I need to tell everyone something" I gestured towards gerard "my friend gerard was put in greenwall because they thought he was insane and had schizophrenia for believing so passionately in vampires" I said "he was forced to undergo blood tests to test for an illness he doesn't have and by the way he is fucking terrified of needles." I took a deep breath and gerard rubbed my back "And all those tests were unnecessary because gerard isn't crazy and doesn't belong in an institution because..." I spoke "I am a Vampire" I said before removing the cover and opened my mouth showing two fangs.

Everyone gasped and screamed, before I knew it gerard and I were being held from behind by two security guards. Our parents suddenly pushed through the crowd and ran up to us "gerard what the hell" gerards dad said. "Im glad you're okay but you need to stay at greenwall" his mom said. "Frank Anthony iero?" I turned around to see my mom standing beside me "why would you do this? Where did you stay?" My dad just stood silently behind her. "Gerard you can't leave greenwall again you're ill and they're there to help y-" I cut off gerards mom "he's not ill, he's right there's absolutely nothing wrong with him" I said. "Because vampires do exist, I would know I am one" I said showing them my fangs.

Our parents gasped, gerards mom pulled him away from me and my mom stared at me horrified.
Just then Dr Quinn pulled up and took Gerard's hand, he climbed down from the table and walked away with her. He looked back at me with sad eyes before turning away again and getting in Dr Quinn's car. Gerard's parents got in their car and followed Dr Quinn's back to Greenwall.

Confused I looked around, my mom was backing away from me and two proffesional looking men in black suits grabbed me by the arms and took me away.

I tried getting away from their hold and I did but I knew I wouldn't get far because after I had got away and ran my freedom was short lived. With the blare of a gunshot I found myself tumbling to the ground in pain and complete darkness surrounded me.

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