you can runaway with me anytime you want

390 17 26

Frank's pov

"What is it" gerard said. "I know how to help you, I know how to prove to everyone that you're not crazy and don't belong here in a mental institution" I said confidently. Gerard blinked and stared at me "you do?" He said confused "yes I do" I said "I'll tell you tomorrow after breakfast okay?" Gerard nodded blankly. We stood up and walked inside to go to bed.

I forced open my eyes it was 8:37 in the morning. I groaned and sat up then slid off the bed to get dressed. I pulled on a black shirt and black jeans. I put on a grey sweater and converse, not even bothering with socks. I have an idea and there's no way it can fail, I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway closing the door behind me.
I walked quickly to the cafeteria an poured a bowl of cereal, it was some shitty no name brand that was a rip off of another kind of cereal. I put in some milk and sat at a table, I poked around at the plain flakes with my spoon before forcing a spoonful down my throat. Gerard walked in and got a cup of coffee. "Hey" I said as he sat down "hey frankie" he responded seconds later. I forced 5 more spoonfuls into my mouth before getting sick of the bland, boring cereal flakes, gerard swallowed the last sip of his coffee and we stood up and gerard followed me into the yard.

I sat down and gerard sat beside me on the ground. "So my idea" I began "we'll break out of this hell hole which is our only major obstacle" I stated, gerard looked at me slightly worried and shocked but he didn't say anything "we can't do anything until we do that" I said. Gerard thought for a moment and then said "okay let's do it" then he paused "wait where do we go if we escape" he asked. "when we escape we can hide out at my cousins house, he's out of town at university so we can stay in his place for a day or two." I said "because it's not like we can just walk into one of our houses and be like hey mom and dad we just escaped from a medium security mental institution" gerard laughed at my comment "so how are we going to escape?" He asked "I think if we find a way to cause a distraction where the secretary has to leave her desk we can press the button at her desk the opens the doors incase of an emergency and we run" I said. "What about the gate?" Gerard asked "there's also a button at the secretary's desk that opens the gate for visitors and the gate stays open for 30 seconds to a minute so we need to hurry" I said and gerard nodded "now for our distraction, I think if we snuck into the closed off area in the east wing where the fuse box is we can turn of the power and everyone will start freaking out and cause a lot of chaos and panic and they'll need all the staff to help get the rest of the patients under control and with everyone distracted we can escape" I stated. Gerard smiled I could tell he was excited and nervous at the same time but he was ready to leave, I couldn't imagine being stuck in a mental institute when there's nothing wrong with you.

Dr Quinn called us in breaking me out of my thought,"hey boys time for group therapy" she said. We groaned in sync and I Stood up brushing off my jeans and gerard did the same. We held hands and started walking towards the door. Once we reached the door we pulled our hands apart and I pulled open the door for gerard, he walked in and I followed behind him. We walked down the hall to the lounge where everyone was already sitting, the only seats left were on opposite sides of the circle. Before I could say anything gerard went over to ray who was sitting next to an empty chair and stood right in front of him, everyone gasped thinking gerard was going to hurt ray or scare him out of the chair. "Ger-" I started to yell at the same time as Dr Quinn and the group therapy leader but stopped when gerard said "ray could you please sit over there so I could sit beside frank?" Everyone else's mouth dropped open and I smiled, Ray just smiled really wide and nodded before getting up and moving to the other chair across the room beside dan.
Gerard sat down on one of the chairs and I sat down on the chair beside him.

"O-ok, let's begin" the instructor said still in shock. "Who would like to start?" She asked and phil's hand shot up and I sighed group therapy is always really long and it doesn't help that there are no clocks in here. I noticed that there are no clocks anywhere in greenwall which is stupid. Phil started talking "Hello I have very important things to share, the most important thing is that dan forgot when his birthday is" Dr Quinn said "dan you birthday is June 11th remember?" Dan slumped over in his chair and smiled a little, I looked over at gerard who was playing with his thumbs I swear these sessions go on forever. "Also look I have fangs now" phil suddenly said excitedly as he pointed to two normal teeth, I heard gerard chuckle and I couldn't help laughing too. Dr Quinn shot us a dirty look and me and gerard just burst out laughing really hard. "Gerard, frank enough" she said. I slid my hand out of my pocket and grabbed Gerard's, and Dr Quinn moved on to the next person in the circle. A girl named taylor stood up and started talking about death, which was quite unsettling. She eventually sat down and stopped talking and the person beside her stood up his name was Ryan "hi-" I tuned out the rest of his comments, he was here because of depression and had a weird obcession with milk. After Ryan finisher talking patrick stood up, he was also here for depression and he was really quiet and shy. He didn't say much, I began swinging my feet back and forth before Dr Quinn told me to stop because it was a disruption.

She continued around the he circle and the eventually it was gerards turn he passed and it was my turn fuck. I stood up and asked "why the hell are there no clocks here?" Dr Quinn said "oh they took them down in June" I nodded "but why" I asked "Jackson is afraid of clocks" I nodded, Jackson was afraid of everything literally

I leaned back as she went through the rest of the group, Ray was the last to talk and I listened to him rant about applesauce again. Dr Quinn said some things that I didn't pay attention to and then she dismissed us and said supper was in and hour and a half.

Gerard and I sat outside, it was warm but not way too warm like it was earlier. I wrapped my arm around him and kissed the side of his face, he returned the kiss and I nestled into his side.

I woke up to gerard repeatedly poking me in the face, I shot up scaring the hell out of gerard. "What are you even doing" I asked sleepily before sitting back down "I was trying to wake you up its supper time" I groaned and stood up and we started walking to the door.
We walked into the cafeteria and everyone was already eating bowls of soup, we walked up to the counter and I picked up a bowl of what looked like tomato soup and gerard picked out what I think was pumpkin soup. We sat at the only empty table left and I noticed gerard forcing spoonfuls of soup in his mouth, he finished his whole bowl before I even ate one spoonful. I smiled and ate my soup, when I finshed we put our bowls on the counter for dirty dishes and we went back to my room and both fell asleep instantly.

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