cause I'm awful just to see

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Frank's pov

I woke up beside gerard he looked so cute sleeping. I gently kissed his forehead and sat up. My medication had already been delivered, I grabbed the pill container from under my pillow and went over and grabbed the 2 pills off the tray and put them in the container. I put the container under my pillow and layed back down beside gerard putting my arms around him. He stirred a little and continued to sleep. It was 8:36 am, in an hour gerard would probably be awake for breakfast.

Gerard stirred a little and opened his hazel eyes. He smiled at me as he opened his eyes. I felt bad because of what would eventually happen but for now gerard was happy and that's all that really mattered to me, I want to make sure he's still happy in a few months. "Good morning" gerard said. "Morning gee" I responded. I got up and got dressed then we walked to gerards room so he could get dressed. Then we went to the cafeteria for breakfast. I ate my cereal in silence, neither of us had said a word. After a few more minutes of silence gerard said " can we talk about um you being a vampire and us and stuff like um yeah." I looked at gerard " yeah sure I guess" I said. "Okay um can you tell me about it like are you still like..." gerard said quietly and evidently nervous. " Yeah, like im still a human and I'm still alive and I eat normal food and have no interest in blood and I'd never hurt you, but I have fangs and that's really the only vampire like thing I'm basically just a human with weird teeth I don't know. I don't even believe I'm a vampire sometimes it's weird. I'm still just a normal human I age and die like everyone else." I said. "Oh .. okay thanks Frankie." He said. "No problem gee" I said looking down. "What about us frank are we like ever gonna like when we're... if we're um out of here are we gonna stay together?" Gerard asked. "Yeah of course I fucking love you so much gee" I said,it wasn't entirely a lie but I won't make it out of here alive. Gerard smiled " I fuckin love you too frank Anthony iero" he said. I leaned over and kissed him on the nose, suprisingly him a little. He in return, leaned over and kissed the side of my face I giggled and wrapped my arms around him and layed my head on his shoulder. I would miss these moments when they were over. Gerard looked at me and smiled.

We finished our cereal and went back to my room. "Frank sit down please, on the bed" gerard said. I sat on the bed and he sat at the desk. " now stay still please" He said. He took out a pencil and a sketchbook and started drawing. I tried to see what he was doing but I couldn't see it. He kept looking back at me and then back at his drawing.

Ten minutes later he finished and put down the pencil. He picked up the drawing and walked towards the bed "what do you think?" he asked. " oh my god gerard, it's amazing" I said. He'd drawn me and he perfectly captured all my ugly features and in the most beautiful way. "Thank you" he whispered. I went over to the desk and got out some tape and put it on the wall above the bed. I smiled at gerard. And jumped off the bed and kissed him. He blushed and it was really Fricken adorable. The way his messy hair fell perfectly, gerard way was a perfect human. If I could draw he would be the only thing I would ever draw. His strong features stood out in the best way possible. "So um do you like it?" Gerard asked interrupting my thoughts. "I love it gerard it's perfect" I said. "Thank you Frankie. You know you are so beautiful" gerard said. I didn't respond, I wasn't not anywhere near that I am nothing. "Oh um I uh um" I stammered trying to talk but I was unable to speak. So I did the only thing I could think of run, just run the only thing my mind could comprehend at the moment. I ran out the door and down the hall and out the door leading to the yard. I fell to the ground crying. I just layed there tears fell down my face. Seconds later gerard was by my side. He'd followed me. "Frankie" he said. I looked up at him sadly, he had concern in his eyes. He helped me up and looked at my hands. I had scraped fingers and my green cast had marks on it. I stayed sat in the corner while gerard ran inside to get a wet cloth.

Gerard came back and sat beside me he took my hands gently and cleaned them off still neither of us had said a word. After he finished cleaning them off he layed the cloth on the pavement. "Frankie, why did you run away?" he asked. I looked down at my hands and said "because I'm fucked up,I'm not beautiful I'm just fucked up" I said honestly. Gerard caressed my cheek down to my chin and I looked up at him. " Frankie there's not a single day where I would believe that,we can be fucked up together because maybe, just maybe sometimes being fucked up Isn't such a bad thing, you're always going to be my life, without you I'm nothing you're a beautiful human and I love you" he gently but passionately kissed my lips. After we pulled apart we just sat there.This was gonna be harder than I thought it would be.

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