give me a shot to remember

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Frank's pov

I think be might be gay gerards words replaying in my mind. Then gerard spoke again "well I don't know I like girls but I think I also like guys too I'm so confused it doesn't make any sense like how can I like girls and be gay at the same time" gerard put his head in his palm in frustration. "Bi" I spoke up "you're probably bi if you like girls and boys" gerard looked up in realization "oh wow you're right how did I not remember that" gerard said laughing a little. "Yeah I think I'm bi" he said "that's great gerard" I said gerard looked at me slightly shocked "really you're okay with it" I laughed "of course I am how hypocritical would it be for a gay guy to insult a bi guy" I said laughing. Gerard's mouth dropped open a bit "you're gay?!" He asked "yup Hella" I laughed at my ironic use of the word hella. Gerard laughed a little at my answer " that's cool" he said almost hyperventilating okay then.

Over the past few days me and gerard hung out a lot together and ate all our meals together. I had never had a friend before so I didn't know what it was like but damn I enjoyed it. I sat up in my bed tired as fuck. I got up and got dressed and walked out of the room. I stood in the middle of the hallway looking around confused. Where is he I thought gerard Is always here in the morning I walked around he hallways looking for him but didn't find him. I looked in his room and he wasn't there maybe he forgot and went to the cafeteria already I walked over to the cafeteria and peeked inside. I surveyed the room and he wasn't there. He must be avoiding me I did something wrong I ran back to my room and slammed the door. "My god I'm so fucking stupid" I threw the pillow at the wall "I finally make a friend for once in my life and of course I fuck it up" I kicked the chair from the desk " he hates me he hates me" I punch the concrete wall hard with as much force as possible. Then I heard the door open

Gerard's pov

I got out of my hiding place and gave up they found me. Stupid nurse. I followed the nurse to the infirmary/lab thing. "Push up your sleeves and sit down on the bed hun" stupid testing stupid needles. I hesitated before sitting down. The nurse was at a counter preparing some small tubes. The nurse pulled out a needle oh fuck I got off the bed as quietly as I could and ran. Ducking past confused patients and staff in the hallway. I stopped, thinking of which way to go when I heard yelling coming from the room next to me. It was Frank's room. I opened he door to see frank punching the wall really hard I could tell he immediately regretted it he whimpered holding his hand dropping to the floor. "Frank?" He looked up at me with sad eyes. I felt terrible, I went and sat beside him on the floor. I glanced over at the desk, there were 2 little trays of pills. "Frank, did you take your medication?" I asked. Frank looked at me and shook his head no. He looked down clearly dissapointed in himself. I hugged him and stood up, walking over to the desk and picked up one of small trays. I passed it to frank and gave him one of the bottles of water from the desk. Frank took the pills and and sip of the water. "Better?" I asked. Frank nodded I put out my hand helping him up. I looked at his hand "let's take you to the infirmary" we walked down the hall and when we arrived there was a very pissed off nurse in the doorway with her arms crossed.

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