what's the worst that I could say

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Frank's pov

My head shot up, gerards words replayed themselves in my head frank do you believe in vampires? I suddenly felt as if there was something tight around my neck. I gasped for breath unable to process what was happening I was almost hyperventilating over it and I couldn't stop it what do I tell him, do I lie and call him crazy would he hate me if I did? But can I tell him? Gerard looked at me concerned. I tryed to calm myself down. Then gerard spoke again "you see, when I was 7 I was at the park with my brother, mikey." I nodded as he continued "And see mikey fell off the swing so my mom left to bring mikey home and calm him down before coming back to bring me home." Gerard paused he looked down trying to bring himself to continue "After my mom and mikey left I went to climb a tree, the one across from the slides" gerard looked at me I nodded and gerard said "and after I reached the top of the tree I noticed a little boy a few years younger than me, he looked about 5 was at the park and I watched him jump off the swing and run over to the slide and I..." gerard paused almost unable to finish his sentence without breaking down but he continued his words that changed everything "I saw someone, completely un recognizable due to his black atire, come out from behind a bush and grab the boy as he was walking up the steps and... I saw him bite the boy I saw his fangs frank ... was that little boy you?" I looked gerard in the eyes and said "yes it was" gerard looked at me like I just told him the meaning of life "gerard" I said "there's something I need to tell you."

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