the hardest part of this is leaving you

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Possibly triggering idk
Gerard's pov

It was 3 am. It had been a few hours since frank and I's conversation. I was a little worried but brushed it off because of the result of our conversation. I couldn't sleep and the uncomfortable asylum bed wasn't really doing much to help with that. I stood up and went to the desk. I sat down with a note book and pencils. I began to draw and a few minutes later I looked af what I had created. It was frank in a different perspective than the last drawing I did of him his bright eyes and perfect lips stood out the most. The way his hair fell looked amazing. I taped it to the wall by the bed and got under the covers. In a few minutes I drifted to sleep.

Frank's pov *a week later*

I layed in bed staring at the clock intently; 3:59 ...4:00. I watched the numbers change, as soon as it hit 4:00 I sat up and pulled out the container which by now was completely full nearing overflowing. I sat up and looked at the desk. A bottle of water and 2 pills was already on a tray on the desk. I jumped up and walked over to the desk. I opened the container and put the 2 pills in it. I forced the lid back on the container and grabbed the bottle of water from the desk as well as 2 half full bottles of water from under the bed and the two full containers of my pills that I stole from the infirmary office and hour ago. I put the items in a bag and quietly opened the door and walked out into the hallway.
I walked down the hall silently until I arrived at gerards door. I quietly opened it and saw gerard fast asleep on the bed. I tip toed over and gently pushed the hair out of his face. I planted a soft kiss on his forehead and left the room.

I walked out into the cold of new Jersey, the yard of the institution that I was confined for life to. "This is my escape" I said indirectly. I went and sat in the corner surrounded by boring plain flowers that looked as if they hadn't been watered for a while. I took the bag off my shoulder and placed it on the ground in front of me. I unzipped it and pulled out the bottles of water and the container of
Pills. I poured 5 into my hand and unscrewed the cap off the bottle of water. I put them in my mouth and took a gulp of water. I poured out five more and put them in my mouth with another gulp of water. I continued until I was out of pills. I pulled a flower from the ground for gee and laid down closing my eyes hearing the door opening as it fell unconscious.

Gerard's pov

I woke up frantically at 4:10. I stood up and looked around the room before opening the door and venturing down the hall to Frank's room.

I opened the door to Frank's room and walked in. I froze, frank wasn't in his room. I panicked and ran out of the room checking every possible place that frank could be.

After checking everywhere inside as quick as possible I ran to the door that leads to the yard. It was unlocked.

I pushed open the door and went out into the middle of the yard looking around in every direction till I spotted him.

Laying on the ground with a flower on his chest and surrounded by empty water bottles and pill containers.

I picked him up gently and ran inside searching for a nurse. I ran into the office startling 3 nurses in the process. " help please hehe needs-s help" I choked out as tears quickly trickled down my face. The nurses jumped up, one took frank to lay him on a bed and another dialed 911.

I sat in a chair tears falling down my face showing no signs of stopping. I looked at the flower in my hand with the piece of tape on it that read Gerard xo. Ten minutes later the secretary said "the ambulance is here." I stood up as paramedics walked in with a stretcher. They gently placed Frank's limp body on the stretcher. His breathing was shallow and I feared it would stop forever. I followed the two paramedics until I got to the main entrance where I was stopped by two nurses and my therapist. "No I need to go with him" I struggled to get out of their hold. They held me back tighter and before I could say anything they were out the door and frank was in the ambulance that sped away with the flash of bright lights and the blaring sirens.

I dropped to my knees and put my hand to my face crying into my sleeves. Dr Quinn walked in and stopped and she saw me on the ground crying surrounded by staff.
She bent down and gently took my hands away from my face. I looked up at her "gerard hun what's wrong" she asked. "F-frank" was all I could manage to get out. She helped me up and sat me in a chair in the living room. She left the room and went to talk to my therapist in an attempt to figure out what happened. I watched them talk as a few tears rolled down my face unable to hear what they were saying. Dr Quinn nodded and left the room, she came back 5 minutes later with a cup of steaming coffee and walked over to where I was sat. Dr Quinn held out the cup to me, I wiped my eyes with my sleeves and took the cup from her mouthing a "thanks you." She nodded as I took a sip of the coffee. Dr Quinn sent me a sad smile "what happened to frank?" She asked. "H-he o-overdos-sed." I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek. I took a sip of my coffee "oh" she said. "I'm sorry gerard" she said. I took another sad sip. " I hope h-he's going to be o-okay" I said. Dr Quinn nodded sadly. "They wouldn't let me go in the ambulance with him." Dr Quinn looked at me "sorry" she said "they couldn't have let you go unless I was here at that moment." She said. "Oh" I said. "Yeah, would you like to go see him?" She asked. "Could I?" I whispered. She nodded, I jumped up nearly spilling coffee all over myself. "Careful gerard" Dr Quinn said picking up her coat. I let out a small giggle and zipped up my sweater.

"let's go" Dr Quinn said

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