"Peyton!........St-Stop!" She said in between her laughs. Anger filled me hearing Peyton's name come out of her mouth. I didn't like that at all.

I opened the door to her room when  my anger turned into fury. Right in front of me was Corey laying on the floor with her legs spread open and Peyton in between them. I don't think they realized the position they were in.

He was tickling her but they both stopped when they recognized my entry.

What the hell? I couldn't say anything because I would give myself away. I couldn't even tell her because she would only think I'm trying to make Peyton look bad.

I came up with an excuse, the first one that popped in my head.

I was still going to keep my promise. Peyton could have her, but I'll do everything I can to make her realize he's not the guy he says he is.


Right now I was still laying on Corey's bed and she was still on her beanbag. We have been watching a movie with Dylan Obrien in it. The whole time, she kept making comments on how his hair was perfect or how hot he looked in the action movie. It was disgusting.

After two wasteful hours of my life, the movie finally ended. "What do you want to do now?" Corey asked me. I smirked and I opened my mouth to say something but she cut me off. "Forget it." I chuckled; she knew me so well.

"I'm hungry." She whined. I sat up on the bed.

"My moms coming over in like, an hour." I told her. "Why can't you wait until you eat dinner."

"But I want to eat now." She was still whining. Suddenly, her face lit up. She looked really excited for some reason. "How about we go get donuts."

Seriously? I love Corey but sometimes this girl was flat out crazy.

"Donuts? Really?" I asked her. She nodded her head at me. "Fine let's go."

We both got up and before I can even stretch, she was already sprinting down the stairs. What's gotten into her?

I shook my head and headed out the room.


We were in the bakery and I got Corey her precious donuts. We were sitting down at a table while I was waiting for her to finish.

I watched as she ate her donuts. Her cheeks were filled as she chewed. She looked so adorable, I couldn't help but smile.

When she finished her donuts she smiled. "Oh God, that was amazing."

"You act like you haven't eaten Donuts in years." I chuckled at her.

She shrugged her shoulders and then stood up. She started spinning around in circles with her head up. Then she started to make helicopter noises.

What the hell?

"Corey, what are doing?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

She stopped and looked at me. "I'm not Corey, I'm Pilot Perry and I'm getting ready for take off." She said and then started to run around the room yelling 'zoom!'

What was going on right now? Why is she acting like a three year old?

I stood up from my seat. "Corey, stop."

"You can't stop the most fastest plane on earth!" She screamed still running around the store like a maniac.

When she passed me, I quickly grabbed her and held her in place. She tried to escape my grip.

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