Part 1- You never really loved her.

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Roses's P.O.V

I clutched my chest as I drove blindly away from all of them.

Away from that stupid camp.

Away from those stupid memories.

And away from him.

A sob broke away from my mouth as I swung the car dangerously to the left.

I had told him. I had told him not to hurt me and he did.

I had told him that I trusted him and he broke that trust.

He told me that he liked me and I fucking believed him like an idiot.

I hit the steering wheel hard. God it hurt. It fucking hurt.

I wasn't even supposed to find out. But I did.

I heard Zayden and Meredith confronting him about it just an hour ago.

We were supposed to be leaving and I couldn't see any of them around. I fucking left to look for them. And I heard every word of their conversation.

I was used like a tissue and thrown away. Fucking brilliant.

That bastard.

He tried to stop me. All three did in fact. But I didn't care.


I reached home at about 12 in the afternoon.

I pulled out my phone to see that there were quite a few missed calls and messages from various people.

None from James.

I threw my phone on the floor and buried my head in the pillow.

I cried for what seemed like forever.

I cried till my eyes didn't have any water left to spill.

I cried till I felt empty inside.

I just fucking cried like the idiot that I am.





I sat up groggily. My room was dark. The sun had set. I looked at the time. 6 PM.


I looked around me confused. What was that sound?





I jumped out of bed startled. The glass of my window was shattered. Broken pieces scattered the floor. I noticed a stone among the pieces.

Carefully, I stepped over the broken glass and walked out to the balcony.

I looked down.

My heart stopped beating.

My voice was stuck in my throat.

I choked back a sob.

It was him.


He was looking at me. He didn't do anything. He just looked at me.

Everything he did, all the lies he said, came crashing back.

My eyes grew dark and I turned around.

"Sunshine." It was barely a whisper. But I heard it.

It stopped me in my tracks.

"Look at me," he said.

The Boy And His Choices.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon