Part 1- The Mornings.

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That was eight years ago...

My life was not as miserable and lonely as before. Believe it or not, things had started getting better for me.

I still lived in the same house as before. Mother was absent more than ever now. I attended Kellington High, and it was my final year.

School life had drastically changed. I was no longer the outcast, the weird new girl. I had pretty much been accepted in the first few months. All that worrying for nothing huh?

I made friends, I made enemies. And I was fine with that.

Life was good. In fact, it had never been better, and I was always afraid of the next bomb that would drop into my life, and destruct. Make it irreparable.

The years had been kind to me, I guess. I didn't look any different. My eyes were the same troubled blue. My face was still as impassive. I had grown a bit though. Thankfully.

But I was still shorter than Zayden.

Zayden Walker, the boy I saw on that thunderous night eight years ago. The boy who had extended his hand in friendship, and I had warily accepted.

That annoying, cheeky, conceited boy was now one of my best friends.

Without his irritating presence, my day was basically incomplete.

...and sometimes, just sometimes, I used to feel that little something one usually does, but never understands...

So anyway, except the change in height and physique, Zayden was pretty much the same. He still had tousled up brown hair and deep eyes.

He was captain of the soccer team, and even though I didn't know head or tail about soccer, I always came to his matches. By always, I mean ALWAYS.

Yup, never missed any of his matches.

What can I say, I'm a brilliant best friend.

Moving on...

Last night, I had been up till about 1, cramming for an English test that I had today.

I was busy dreaming about Jensen Ackles and me on a romantic island when suddenly,

" 'Cause this is THRILLER! Thriller night! And no one's going to save..."

"Oh God, you have got to be kidding me," I groaned from under my bed sheets. I squinted and noticed my phone was blaring on the bedside table.

It was about five past four in the morning.

I reached out and groped about for my phone.

"You better have a good reason for this," I growled through the phone.

"Uh yeah I have. You're late."

"Zayden, I've been up all night studying okay. I can barely open my eyes right now. Have a heart."

Zayden grumbled something about me and studies. "You never miss these runs okay. I'm not running alone. Come on Mer, be here in five?

"You're impossible," I said.

"And you're an idiot, but you don't see me complaining."

"Okay. Give me twenty minutes."

"Hah funny. Fifteen."


"Sixteen and a half, and I'll buy you an ice cream," he chirped.

"Fine!" I grumbled.

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