Part 1- Look at the stars, and how they shine for you.

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Meredith's P.O.V

The sky blushed a deep shade of red as I pulled my car over to the gas station.

I hummed Therapy by All Time Low as I waited patiently behind a sleek black car in front of me.

I had just been to the mall to buy a few clothes for the trip to James' camp. The camp was tomorrow and I had suddenly discovered that my closet had nothing that I would want to take with me.

Thankfully mother agreed. I think she was secretly waiting for the day that I would throw away my old tees and tracks.

I rolled my window down and a cool breeze entered my car, whipping my hair around my face. I smiled. It had been a good day so far.

I looked over at the car in front of mine wonderimg if it was done filling gas.

And suprise suprise. There he was. That guy from my English class. That annoying boy I had hit with my bag just the other day.

He had his headphones on and was just standing in front of his car checking his phone.

I huffed in frustration. What the hell was his problem? Why was he taking so long?

I got out of my car. Partly because I wanted to tell him to hurry the fuck up, and partly because he intrigued me. I was curious.

Dont blame me for being curious... I mean I didn't even know his name for God's sake.

"Hey," I said, walking up to him.

He didn't look up. Guess he didn't hear me.

"Hey," I said a little louder. No reaction.

"HEY!" I screamed into his ear.

He jumped away from me and took off his headphones. He looked at me and his features relaxed.

"Oh its you," he said putting his headphones back on. "Hi."

Well this was awkward.

"Listen," I began. "Im sorry about the whole bag thing, you know. "

He looked up and fixed his eyes on me.
"Well if you're referring to the time when you socked me in the face with your bag full of books, then it's okay."

" Really?" I asked, surprised.

" Yes," he said.

" Oh," I said staring at him.

" You know,  I'm getting the feeling that you can't understand something," he said, turning towards me and putting his phone away.

"You aren't holding a grudge then?" I said incredulously.

"Meredith why would I hold a grudge? Look at me. Do I seem the type to you?" He asked shrugging his shoulders.

I stepped forward and stared long and hard at his face.

"Um, I'm going to pretend that this is not creeping me out," he muttered stepping back.

I laughed and he managed a smile.

"So what's your name?" I asked him as he filled his car with gas.

"William Turner. And how do you not know my name? " he said rolling his eyes. "We are in the same class."

"Hey we've never officially met. It's not my fault," I said a little defensively.

"Well then how do I know you're name genius?" He asked me folding his hands.

"I don't know.  Maybe you're a stalker," I said, playfully edging away from him.

" And full points for stupidity go to you," he said rolling his eyes.

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