#40, We seem to be intentional

Start from the beginning

He shut the door with force before Dani had even had the time to react properly. Then the older Brazilian laughed full-heartedly. "Oh God, I wish I could say it's nothing I haven't seen before, but we do share a locker room."

Neymar turned off the water, pulled the towel around himself and exited the shower, scowling at Dani. The other man leaned against the wall with a smug expression on his face, arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm not even going to ask who you were expecting because I think I already know," Dani said in a low voice, eyeing the open space leading to the locker room on the other side of the wall. "But just so you know, I didn't come here by myself." Then, louder, he shouted, "It's just Neymar, guys!"

"What up, Ney?" Marc shouted back.

Neymar pulled a hand through his wet hair. What the hell was going on? Marc was here too? He was just glad that his teammate apparently had decided to not come over. "Just a bit of training, Marc!"

"You still up for a bit of training with the girls?" It was Leo who asked.

Perfect, Neymar thought, irritated by the presence of even more teammates. Is the whole team here?!

"Oh, I'm sure he already diiiid," Dani said in a low sing-sang voice, so only Neymar could hear him.

Neymar scowled at his vain attempt to keep in his laughter. "Will you please shut up?" he hissed at Dani after he'd assured Leo that no, but another time, he just wanted to go home now – which wasn't even a lie; he so didn't want to be here anymore. "It's bad enough that you know! And we really want to keep the number of people knowing to a bare minimum. For now." Neymar frowned. "I think."

He grabbed the pile of clothes that he and Tamira had abandoned earlier, glad to find all signs of female company missing from it. There was a pang in his chest; this whole situation would be a lot easier and less embarrassing if everyone just knew about him and Tamira.

The talk. Right. Neymar blinked. They still hadn't really managed to talk. How did they always manage to avoid the important stuff?

Dani rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, no need to be pissed. You can relax, okay? Secret's safe with me." What was the fun in knowing when he couldn't make fun of their ridiculous secrecy policy and antics?

Neymar was about to go back into the locker room, when Dani softly whistled. "But how about you hide this from sight? Since it's kind of a dead giveaway and all?"

Neymar turned around, finding Dani holding up a pink bra by one holster, grinning like an idiot. "Oh for fuck's sake!" Quickly, he grabbed the piece of clothing that Tamira had quite obviously missed and hastily squashed it beneath his clothes, making sure it would not be seen from anyone.

"Just be glad that it's me who came to investigate the running shower. I had a feeling, so say 'thank you Dani for your dirty mind!'" Dani said before they made their way back toward the locker room.

Neymar rolled his eyes, but patted his friend and colleague on the shoulder in gratitude nevertheless. He really was glad it had been Dani. He was even gladder it had been Dani five minutes later than would have been good for everyone. "Never thought I'd say this, but thank you for your dirty mind, man."

"Name your firstborn after me and we're even," Dani mumbled before Leo and Marc were in hearing distance again. "Dani's a great unisex name! And it's like Davi, only with the 'v' kinda upside down. Neat, huh?"

Neymar could only sigh heavily. The talk, he concluded. He and Tamira really needed to have the talk.


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