26: The Calm Before The Storm

Start from the beginning

"Yes," Frank giggled shyly, his cheeks tinting red as his posture unwound instantly. "You mean a lot to me too."

"Well...I was thinking, and I'm sorry if I'm not doing this right, I've never gotten this close to someone so fast before, but I - do you want to maybe be my boyfriend?" Gerard spat out all at once, his heart seizing in his chest as Frank's mouth fell open and his pupils dilated slightly.

Even before Frank's lips began moving with his answer, Gerard knew what it would be. He could feel the resurgence of Frank's adoration for him pulsing through their bond, although it never went away entirely, but it was stronger this time, heavy and glittering in nature, surrounding Gerard in a protective aura that he never wanted to leave.

"Yes - of course I do, I was actually going to ask you myself pretty soon here if you didn't do it," Frank chuckled gleefully, his irises sparkling with joy as he spoke. "I've never met anyone like you before, and I would be honored to be your boyfriend."

"Oh thank fuck," Gerard exhaled in relief, the last niggling fears that had been eating away at him evaporating once Frank's words hit the open air, and before Gerard could say anything else - like how much he loved Frank, he pressed their lips together in a heated kiss, their teeth clashing slightly as Frank immediately reciprocated his actions.

Frank gasped into Gerard's mouth as he pushed him back down onto the cushions, bracketing his smaller frame with his own as they continued to kiss heavily. Frank's legs wrapped around Gerard's waist when he slipped his tongue past his parted lips, licking over his teeth hungrily in an attempt to receive as much of Frank's intoxicating taste as he could.

"Gerard," Frank whined when Gerard pulled away slightly to allow Frank a chance to breathe, pressing his forehead against Frank's gently as he did his best to contain his more animalistic side that wanted Frank in any way he could have him.

"Yeah?" Gerard asked shakily, his voice emitting in a choked fashion that was most likely caused by the conglomeration of emotions he was currently experiencing. Frank was his now - maybe not officially his mate, but they were together, and that filled Gerard with a primal sense of pride that was enhancing his vampiric nature, and that part of him wanted to claim Frank's body now that he had been graced with the title of his boyfriend.

"I want you," Frank whimpered, his hips twitching forward needily as he spoke, pressing his already hard length against Gerard's heavily almost as if he had read Gerard's mind and had voiced his secret desires aloud.

"Are you sure?" Gerard made himself ask, keeping to his promise of always receiving verbal consent after their first time together which Frank still couldn't remember.

"Yes - so fucking sure," Frank nodded eagerly, his pupils beginning to dilate widely as Gerard growled low in his throat.

He and Frank had done many things, but they had yet to actually have sex yet. Frank seemed nervous about how his body reacted to Gerard; when he was lost in the moment, he would often beg Gerard to fuck him, but when they would get close to initiating the act, Gerard would sense Frank's tendrils of fear creeping through their bond, and when he would question Frank, he typically changed his mind, asking for a blowjob or something else instead, which Gerard was more than happy to provide him with, even though he was dying to feel Frank's muscles constricting around him once more.

Gerard had asked Brendon and Ryan what they thought of Frank's strange reluctance regarding sex, because Gerard didn't understand it at all, even though gathering the courage to talk about something so intimate with them had been a struggle. The two vampires always seemed to understand what was going on with Frank better than Gerard did in instances like these, and although Gerard was worried that one day they would fail to help him, they of course had a perfect answer.

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