Chapter 30: First Date

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Chapter 30

Jasmine and Gabriel stared at each other in silence before she said "Hi." He gave her a blank look and she tried to smile innocently. When his facial expression didn't change she sighed. This was going to be difficult. "Do mom and dad know?" he asked almost growling.

Oops, she may have forgotten to tell them. He took her silence as a "no". After a few more moments of awkward silence, he said "I'm not sure I feel comfortable with this." Jasmine raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm not sure how you feel is relevant."

"Well since mom and dad aren't here right now, you can't really go anywhere unless I say so," he shot at her. "Watch me," Jasmine shot back as she stomped out of her room and into the bathroom. She slammed and locked the door sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

Why did Gabe have such a problem with her going out with Cody? Granted, she had never been out on a date and their mom and dad weren't here but that's no reason to react like, well like he was acting. Whatever, Jasmine was going to get ready for her date. But first, she should tell my mom so Gabe can't blackmail her with that.

Jasmine texted her and then left the bathroom to choose an outfit. She was in the middle of choosing an outfit when the doorbell rang. Simone and Aliyah came in and followed her to her room. Jasmine was grinning and could barely contain her excitement.

"How about this?" asked Aliyah as she held up a red sundress. "Nah, I think that's too dressy. I think he would have told me if we were going someplace where I needed to wear a dress." They looked a little longer and Simone asked "Hey, how about this?" she showed Jasmine a black halter top with some really short shorts.

"Not so much, what if it gets cold? Besides those shorts are from years ago, they're way too short." Simone rolled her eyes at her and they kept looking. Jasmine pulled out a black spaghetti strap shirt, dark green sweater, high-waisted jeans, and combat boots. "What do you think?" Jasmine asked holding out the outfit.

"Perfect," both Simeon and Aliyah said simultaneously. Jasmine took a quick shower, changed, and then came out slipping the boots on. "Very cute," Simone said nodding approvingly. Jasmine sat on the chair next to her vanity as Aliyah did her make-up and Simone did her hair. An hour later Jasmine was set to go. Honestly, she was surprised that Gabe hadn't interrupted or protested her going out again. Since it was barely 3:00, they decided to watch a movie. Soon "Madea Goes to Jail" was streaming.

Simone, Jasmine, and even Aliyah were rolling on the floor laughing. Jasmine had to be careful not to mess up my hair but she swear that movie was the funniest ever. Just as the credits were rolling, the doorbell rang. They all looked in the direction of the door and she found herself getting up to go get it. Jasmine took a deep breath as she opened the door.

Cody was standing there clad in jeans and a dark button-down. Jasmine was discretely checking him out when she heard a voice clear behind her. Simone and Aliyah were standing there trying not to look conspicuous. She rolled her eyes and figured that she'd better get out of here before the death threats started. "Hold it! I need to talk to Cody," Simone said. Her plan of sneaking away quietly unnoticed went down the drain.

Jasmine pasted a smile on her face but begged her with her eyes to let them just leave. She ignored her eyes and walked up to Cody. "So, some ground rules. One, you'd better not put her in danger. Two, she'd better be in no physical or psychological harm. Three, she'd better not get pregnant. Finally, she's better have fun." Simone said all of this with a hard glare in her eyes before she broke out into a smile. Jasmine could see Cody raising his eyebrows.

"Have fun!" Aliyah yelled out as she grabbed Cody's hand before she suffered anymore from embarrassment. "That was... interesting," he said smiling at her. "Yeah, sorry about that, that was weird." He started the engine as he said "No, it's cool that you have friends that would kick my butt if you suffered some traumatic, abnormal event." She laughed.

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