Chapter 20: Prep for the Trip

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Chapter 20

Jasmine trudged around her room having just woken up and decided what to wear. After she finished taking a shower and changing, she was about to head down to the kitchen to make breakfast when her phone rang. She yawned still tired and lazily answered.

"Whoever you are, you'd better be important talking to me this early in the morning." She heard a laugh and when she recognized whose it was she felt butterflies in her stomach. "Well considering what I have you may want to consider me important," Cody said. "Mhmm and what might that be?" she asked curiously.

"Come to my car and check it out," he said before he hung up leaving her slightly confused but mostly curious. She hurried to the door and sure enough, Cody was parked in front of the house looked as fine as ever. She had to keep myself from embarrassingly staring at his seeming to be a perfect figure. With a black v-neck and jeans, he was definitely drool-worthy. She eagerly walked up to his cars smiling.

"So what's the big surprise?" He handed her a box and she opened it slowly and started jumping up and down. "Yes, donuts! You are officially the most important person ever!" Jasmine quickly grabbed a glazed donut and finished it reaching for another. "If you like them so much, then why do you always cook breakfast?"

"Because I like cooking, hope that's not a crime," she said smiling cheekily. "Nope. Come on, we have to get to school." She went back to get her backpack and then hopped in hi car to go to school. "I got the permission slip signed," Cody said gesturing to the piece of paper. "That's good," I said cautiously. "Yeah, if it wasn't for his silence or his millisecond signature I wouldn't have been able to tell that he didn't care," he said bitterly. Jasmine took his free hand with hers and held it.

It was obvious to Jasmine that he craved his father's attention, and she really wished that he would get it. Or at least get it without being hit. He didn't deserve to be shut out and ignored and he most certainly didn't deserve to be physically hurt. Cody could have gone in a completely different direction and looked to different, negative ways to deal with the lack of positive attention.

She really cares for him and wants the best for him. She knows she probably sounds like his mother but the sad truth is he doesn't have one anymore. They got to school and they opened the doors to his car to get out. But before they went in, Jasmine went over and gave him a hug. She could feel the tension release from his body as they held each other.

The bell broke them from their hug. They both hustled to get to homeroom. When they entered the classroom, Mr. Smith glared at Jasmine but she ignored him. A few minutes later, Cody turned in his permission slip form for the trip.

The weeks preceding the trip were pretty boring. Jay still gave her a wandering eye and she tried staying as far away as possible from him as she could. Jasmine and Cody finally finished that project, which she had mixed feelings about. Now they didn't have an official excuse to see each other. They were friends but it was slightly weird since there was romantic tension in the air.

At school, as the big day of the trip got closer, people got antsy and slacked off. In English, they had a five-page paper to do and only twenty-five percent of the whole grade actually turned it in. The Friday before the trip, was completely chaotic. Some people didn't show up to school, most were late, lunch was even more dramatic than usual, and over half everyone didn't show up for their last period class.

Finally, the weekend started and Jasmine caught up to Cody. "This is going to be really exciting," she said referring to the trip. "Yeah, I'm actually really excited to go back to Galveston." His body language was so different than what it was when he found out about the trip. His fear and tenseness were gone now replaced with excitement and lightness. "Well, I'll see you bright and early on Monday. Oh, by the way. Do you want to come with me to get some travel necessities before we get to school?"

That'll never happen.......whoops, too late!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora